The European Union and Togo proceeded this Monday, April 24, 2023 in Brussels, headquarters of the European institutions, to the signing of two financing agreements for an envelope of 70 million euros, contributing to the actions of the Europe team ( EU, Germany, France) for €122 million, with additional funding from Germany and France. The Prime Minister, Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé and the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen signed the documents at the headquarters of the European Commission.
Mrs Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé and Jutta Urpilainen present the signed documents
The first financing agreement relates to the Program to support the development of sustainable agro-industries in Togo. Worth 82 million euros, this program is financed by the European Union for an amount of 30 million euros and by Germany and France on a co-financing of 52 million euros. Through this program, the government aims for the sustainable improvement of the competitiveness of agro-sylvo-pastoral and halieutic exploitations; the improvement of industrial processing centers and the strengthening of very small and medium-sized enterprises (TPME) in agricultural processing; and strengthening measures to preserve the environment and biodiversity.
The second partnership agreement concerns budget support for state consolidation and resilience in Togo. Worth 40 million euros, it will enable the country to deepen the governance of basic services to the population, support the sustainable agribusiness sector and strengthen public finances at the decentralized level.
The Prime Minister transmitted the warm greetings of the Head of State, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé. She then declined the three strategic axes of the government roadmap which emphasizes the structural transformation of the economy, the modernization of the State and inclusion.
The head of government expressed to the European Commission the government’s satisfaction for the alignment of EU actions contained in the “Global Gateway” strategy on Togo’s ambitions, in particular the creation of sustainable jobs for young people in the sectors agriculture, energy and connectivity.
On behalf of the President of the Republic, Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé congratulated “Team Europe” (EU, Germany and France) for the mobilization around the Emergency Program for regions exposed to the security threat. This government program being implemented on the ground is valued at 274 billion FCFA with a financing gap of more than 200 billion FCFA.
2023-04-25 11:00:01
#supports #Togo #financing #agreements #tune #million #euros #TogoPresse