Home » today » News » The EU has decided to start negotiations on the membership of Ukraine and Moldova in the union – 2024-03-14 11:17:02

The EU has decided to start negotiations on the membership of Ukraine and Moldova in the union – 2024-03-14 11:17:02

/ world today news/ By the evening of December 14, the first day of the meeting of the leaders of the EU member states in Brussels, the main intrigue of the meeting became clear: the decision to start negotiations with Ukraine for its entry into the European Union was adopted. At the same time, Moldova was also invited for membership negotiations, and Georgia was decided to receive the status of a candidate country. All this was announced, apparently hastily, on the social network by the head of the European Council, Charles Michel.

A few hours before this news, the news agencies had already reported that all the leaders of the EU countries, with the exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, had agreed to give “a green light to the negotiations on the acceptance of Kyiv into the “family”.

Only Orban, saying that such a decision would be a disaster for the European Union, was stubborn to the end. And not in vain. On the eve of the meeting, he was assured that if he stopped resisting, Budapest would receive more than €10 billion in EU funds frozen due to “violations of the rule of law” in his country.

Well, how can you not change your mind at the last minute: Orbán is known as a pragmatist who puts Hungary’s interests first, so he confirmed that he is thinking first of all about his homeland. The evil irony is that the Hungarian leader is making money for his country by refusing to help Kiev until the last, calling for peace. And Kiev, which assures everyone that it is ready to fight Russia to the end, is about to be removed from the list of Western “allowances”…

The political implications of the decision are very unclear. Well, it’s like the famous joke where the hero utters the cynical and deadly sobering line “You never know exactly what I promised you…” Negotiations can take a long time and no one guarantees their outcome.

According to the current estimates of the EU authorities, ideally Ukraine will be invited to become a member in 6-7 years. Or maybe she won’t be invited. Well, something will somehow not work out there, or the government in Kiev will change again.

As the incomparable Khoja Nasreddin used to say, giving confidently bold prophecies over the years, “all of us will surely die – either I, or the emir, or this donkey.” So it is in this genre that Charles Michel seems to perform.

Of course, the event is extremely valuable for Kyiv. Finally! After all, Europe and the entire West have already been explained so many times that they are the light in the window, only there both soul and body strive. And in response: this is not true and you are still not up to par.

And they noticed corruption, and the dispersal and crushing of the opposition, and the banning of dissidents and independent media. What kind of bureaucratic nonsense and nonsense they wanted from us! And Ukraine, even under Poroshenko, who said “goodbye” to Russia, and especially under Zelensky, were still not allowed closer to the entrance threshold of the cherished EU.

They promised, they promised, but when it came to a decision, they still thought of stupid trifles: the country’s economy is also not in good shape, the political system, although “free-democratic”, still needs two buckets of make-up and blush, even to looked up. The European bastards were harassing everyone on Bankovska.

And now Zelensky, not by chance, canceled his visit to Brussels at the last moment, so as not to make a mistake: what if this time they just pat him on the cheek, and under the table – and under the table they kick him in the ass…

But – it happened! And, to be honest, what a pain… In the end, how is the situation essentially? The EU simply had no choice but to say to Kiev: let’s finally start the procedure and negotiate. But if he agrees, it will spell the end of the EU. Let’s try to understand why.

The Ukrainian epic “The Seduction of Europe” has been going on for more than twenty years. From the very first, “orange” Maidan, the passionate attraction to the West charged the country with an explosive potential that exploded ten years later.

And all this happened for a single reason: it was necessary to solve the problem of how to separate Ukraine from Russia. That’s what the West decided. In 2004, it was necessary to thwart Kiev’s entry into the Common Economic Area with Russia, which was then moving towards.

Well, and then “dizzy” them. The great third round of the elections came, which broke all possible laws, the economic integration with Russia and the CIS was rejected as a perspective goal for development, the Euro-suffering flooded everything with pain and a loud voice.

Second round – “Euromaidan”. At that time, the question arose again, who are you with, gentlemen Ukrainians? The EU has been maniacally luring Kiev with “association” with it as an alternative to cooperation with Moscow within the framework of the Customs Union.

But when it was explained to Yanukovych that the quotas proposed by the EU, say, for Ukrainian agricultural goods on European markets, would end within two or three months of the year that had just begun, and that about $160 billion would be needed alone in order to bring technical regulations into line with European standards, he asked for money from the West to “adapt” his economy to the new conditions.

How Ukraine was finally “adapted” to the harsh reality, there is no need to remind. By the way, there is a terrible and bloody coincidence: for the needs of the war, the West uncomplainingly gave almost the same 160 billion to Ukraine.

What do we have in the happy remainder, taking into account the latest news from Brussels? European ambition has turned into destruction of a huge country in the center of Europe. For the EU, this is such anti-advertisement that even thinking about it is painful for them. After all, what a seductive ideal: behave well, reform yourself, follow our advice – and you will be happy in the joyful family of peoples living in the “blooming garden”.

And Kiev has been reaching for this ideal like the sun for more than twenty years. And what is the result? The loss of territories, even more so the loss of people is terrible to even talk about, the collapsed economy, the “proudly” extended hand as a way of existence… And all this in the name of EU membership. After such a violation of Ukraine, if Brussels had not agreed to “negotiations” even now, greater cynicism on its part could not be imagined.

But if Ukraine is part of the EU, then the whole union collapses. In all scenarios, which are well known in Europe itself: economic, cultural-historical, geostrategic and even political “nuances”, there are many, huge amount of unresolved questions.

And here is the trap: they themselves lured them for so many years, dragged them into all sorts of nastiness – coups d’état, civil war, triumph of the neo-Nazis, devastation of the country and division of the people – and finally they tell you: “No, you’re not worthy yet, keep working.”.” Where else can we work when the state is on the verge of collapse and collapse?

Some desperation and hopelessness are carried by the decisions of this “breakthrough” in Brussels. And Europe looks more and more like the hero from the tale of the Great Ratcatcher with his sweet-voiced whistle.

Translation: ES

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