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The EU and 22 countries want “independent and independent” verification of the results in Venezuela

Santo Domingo/Caracas/Havana/The United States, the European Union (EU) and about twenty countries this Friday asked for the “immediate publication of all the original minutes” of the presidential elections in Venezuela. As well as an “impartial and independent” verification of the results of these elections, reportedly signed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

“Any delay” in that declaration calls into question the results officially published on August 2, indicates the text, read by the Dominican Foreign Minister, Roberto Álvarez, at the Palace of the King – sitting The countries that signed it also requested that the declaration “preferably” be made by an international entity “to guarantee respect for the will of the Venezuelan people expressed at the polls.” ”

The text makes a “strong call for common sense and sanity in Venezuela” and was signed by 22 countries, including Argentina, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, and El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the United Kingdom, Suriname, Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and the European Union.

Making a strong call for ‘awareness and sanitation’ in Venezuela

The document urged respect for “democratic principles, as well as the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Venezuelans” and, in particular, the right to the peaceful expression and exercise of freedom of expression, which they thought at the moment “This is not the reality in Venezuela. .”

The signatories deplored the reports of “arbitrary detention of Venezuelans” and noted that the fact that they occur without due process is “alarming,” and that is why they needed “immediate release. At the same time, they asked to allow the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to return to the country with the appropriate conditions so that it can fulfill its mandate.

In addition, the text asks Venezuela, as a State party to the Caracas Convention on Diplomatic Asylum of 1954, to issue the necessary safe conducts that will allow the six asylum seekers who are currently in the official residence of Argentina leave safely. of the Venezuelan territory.

In response to the document, the leaders of the majority opposition in Venezuela, Edmundo González Urrutia and María Corina Machado, joined the call this Friday for the “immediate” publication of the results of the July 28 presidential elections and the “neo -biased and independent”. “certification” of the results of these elections.

González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the United Democratic Platform (PUD) – the main opposition bloc – considered that this Friday’s diplomatic call was “crucial” in what he described as a “critical and necessary moment” to “an inclusive solution” its fulfillment that will restore peace and tranquility. democracy in his country. For his part, Machado described the confirmation as “historic” and announced that he would continue to “defend the truth and fight until there is an unparalleled respect for popular sovereignty.”

At the same time, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, mentioned again this Friday the critical situation that Venezuela is going through after the electoral fraud with which Chavismo is trying to keep itself in power for another period by doing assured that “Venezuela has a very unpleasant regime.”

“I don’t think it’s a dictatorship, it’s different from a dictatorship,” he said in a statement to Radio Gaucha. During the interview, Lula said, in his opinion, that “the Maduro Government has an authoritarian tendency, but it is not a dictatorship as we know so many dictatorships in this world.

Lula da Silva assured that Venezuela has a ‘very unpleasant regime’

“Venezuela is a very interesting country for Brazil, it is a country with kilometers of borders with Brazil, it is a country in which Brazil has earned a trade surplus of almost 5,000 million, and a country that could be a good partner for him. Brazil in building a political force,” he said.

For their part, a group of twenty high-ranking US officials, including some Under Secretaries of State and ambassadors, delivered a letter to the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. In it they asked the United States to announce “in a strong way” that the personal safety of González and Machado is the sole responsibility of Maduro and that “any harm to them would have serious consequences.”

The former officials also believed that any negotiations with Washington with Maduro or his inner circle must have as their ultimate goal “forward progress in an irreversible transition process” that will empower new political leaders in the country.

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