Home » today » Health » The Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Phenomenon can be seen from Indonesia, here’s the schedule: Okezone techno

The Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Phenomenon can be seen from Indonesia, here’s the schedule: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – Phenomenon meteor Rain It turns out that Eta Aquarid can be seen from Indonesia, the public can watch it without the help of special tools.

Processed from the Southern Sky, Monday (9/5/2022), this phenomenon has started since April 19, and will end on May 18.

However, the peak of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower which came from the remnants of Halley’s comet already took place on May 6 yesterday.

The meteor shower will be seen coming from the Aquarius constellation and can be observed after midnight until dawn, after the Aquarius constellation rises at 01:22 WIB.

At peak night, observers should be able to see 60 meteors coming from the remnants of Halley’s comet every hour at a speed of 66.9 km / sec.

Remember, the Moon has set before the constellation Aquarius rises, so there will be no Moonlight which adds to the lighting factor in hunting for meteor showers.

Citing Space, the meteor shower was first seen in 1870. Unlike some other annual meteor displays whose history can be traced back hundreds or thousands of years, the Eta Aquarids meteor shower was not “officially” discovered until the late 19th century.

In 1870, while sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, Lieutenant Colonel GL Tupman saw 15 meteors on the morning of April 30, and another 13 a few mornings later. All meteors seem to come from the constellation Aquarius.

Then, in 1876, Professor Alexander Stewart Herschel concluded that Halley’s Comet orbit nearly coincided with Earth’s orbit around May 4, and that if we find comet debris capable of producing meteors, the streaks of light appear to be coming from around Aquarius.

Herschel immediately noted, Tupman’s observations were very close to his predictions. In the years that followed, a growing number of astronomers and other observers also noted the similarities between the orbits of Comet Halley and the Eta Aquarid stream.


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