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The estimated end of the NHL manager: less than a week before the start of the season

It is not usual to make such a fuss before the longest season. Chayka’s end could occur at any time during the period of the pause due to coronavirus. Dolo na nj ale a nyn. Mysterious and without blich detail. In addition, before the playoffs, Arizona has been waiting for him for so long.

The club is disappointed by his move and so timely. He drank while the Coyotes were preparing for the first time in the bout fighting since 2012. Chayka decided to leave the strong and competitive team with the realization of the dark, and Arizona supporters Coyotes, the best fan in the NHL, said Arizona.

Officials are usually ridiculed, there is great anger. According to some headlines, Chayka, he became the youngest general manager in NHL history (he was named at the age of 26, now he is 30), did not give up voluntarily, but was fired.

Don’t know what he did. It is certain that his position has only weakened strongly in recent weeks. He passed away, but everyone was not pictured at dark meetings and thorns, the agent did not react at first and the club did not comment on the situation.

that the decision to end was not from his head, the testimony and testimony of several sources, that he was not invited to the party with the darkest star Taylor Hall. His future was on them, because he had a contract for the seasons after the seasons.

So talk about Chayk’s words after Arizona’s statement: I’ve enjoyed the most in my life for the last three years. In Arizona, I worked hard to get the Coyotes to the Stanley Cup. I’d love to be in Edmonton with the dark. Unfortunately, this became nemonm due to the owner.

There are no reasons for disagreement with the owner Alex Meruel. That’s what I’ll say at this point. Learn more in the future. Until then, I wish Arizona a lot, said Chayka, who only had a valid contract in the club until 2024.

He is replaced as general manager by his assistant Steve Sullivan. Arizona said: I have the full yard of the whole club, including the owner, executive management, hockey player and coach. The club will not comment on the issue and wants to focus on fighting in the Stanley Cup.

Arizona fights Nashville in his preschool. Chayka will only watch on TV. Sri Edge will start on Sunday in August 2. Estatyicetilet Sullivan was the general manager of the Tucson wicked team in the AHL for three years before joining Arizona. As a game, the dog completed a thousand times in the NHL and scored 747 points.

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