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The establishments complained to SANS, asking for anti-terrorism plans

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The Bulgarian Association of Restaurants and the Association of Restaurants in Bulgaria express their sincere indignation against the launched inspections for the existence of “anti-terrorism plans” by SANS. This is stated in a declaration of both associations.

The establishments call on the responsible institutions to contact themselves and seek a dialogue with the industry, considering the inspections insane.

“It is not enough that we are pushed to the corner and barely survive, and now we are being persecuted for anti-terrorist plans, which, you see, we had to make ourselves ?! Nor are we terrorists, although we are already beginning to doubt whether they consider us such, nor anti-terrorists. From where to where should the establishments draw up a plan for combating terrorism, with what competence should they do it, and should they be checked whether there is one and whether they are implementing it? “, they write in their declaration from the branch.

“We consider this to be complete madness and a violation of our civil rights. The state should try to help small and medium-sized businesses, not crush them with strange regulations that even impose obligations on it to fight terrorism.”

“It is not OK and we do not agree with this misconception, which unfortunately is not the only example of adopted insane and unnecessary regulations, complicating and in some cases even stopping the work process at the sites. We expect the responsible institutions to refer themselves and to seek a dialogue with the representatives of the branch so that we can correct the irregularities together! “, the restaurants complain

We support the fight against terrorism, but we do not believe that we should be required to be leaders in it. And the case is not private and it is not just about the restaurants. Many companies and structures are forced to draw up a “plan to fight terrorism”, after which they are subject to checks to see if they have one. We are not trusted, but it is a fact !!! “.

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