Home » Entertainment » The essence of femininity on canvases. The paintings of artist Baiba Feoktistova appeal with gorgeous colors

The essence of femininity on canvases. The paintings of artist Baiba Feoktistova appeal with gorgeous colors

On Friday, her exhibition “Portrait of Femininity” was opened in Liepāja’s Latvian Society House.

All of B. Feoktistova’s work is related to the representation of a woman’s beauty, femininity and joy of life in bright, happy colors.

What kind of feeling does an artist have when the paintings are on the walls, the exhibition is open and people come to see them? The answer was: “It feels like letting your children out into the big world, because the creation of each work was a very intimate process. With all that I am, with all my thoughts and feelings, I have given myself to each of these paintings every day for at least two months.

Everything I feel, see, think is left on the canvas.

Well, I know that it is worth the risk of revealing myself to the audience, because the feedback I receive from them is very pleasant and happy”.

The artist expressed the observation that, in her opinion, modern women too rarely allow themselves to be feminine, because everyday duties take a lot of strength. This has been experienced in my own experience. That’s why for the last five years she devotes her time only to art, follows the call of her heart and her talent.

In addition, the artist learned drawing and painting by self-taught, being self-taught by nature.

Baiba Feoktistova said that she has two goals, or missions. The first is to inspire people to see the beautiful in this world. The second is to not be afraid and follow your heart, doing what your heart calls you: “I believe that if a person chooses and follows the path that is naturally laid in him, following his talent, then life is definitely beautiful! The main thing is not to be afraid of other people’s opinions and not to suppress your inner voice.

My personal experience shows that since I followed my inner voice and dared to change, then all other things in life have also been arranged”.

Yoga teacher Evia Brant was also present at the opening: “What I see in every painting is that the models have such naturally lively eyes. Each has its own background and mood. Thank you to the artist for the beautiful feelings given!”.

As one of the visitors of the exhibition, Inese Bula, admitted, she would like every one of the exhibited paintings in her home, because “I have never seen or felt such a powerful feminine power in the works of modern painters!”.

On the other hand, Vija Jostmane from Nicaea, sharing her observations, emphasized that the paintings are not only visually attractive, but have several layers and messages. “You want to dwell on each one and study every line, every shadow and brushstroke. Just very beautiful”.

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