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The Escalation of Tensions: The US Nuclear Submarine in South Korea and China’s Concerns

A nuclear dialogue launched by the United States with North Korea and China, which appears through an American-South Korean agreement to transfer American nuclear equipment to Seoul, to send strategic messages, and perhaps provocations.

The White House has already announced that a US submarine equipped with nuclear weapons has docked at a South Korean port for the first time in 40 years.

What messages does Washington want from moving its nuclear submarine? Any fears of fueling conflict with China?

Victor Gao, president of the China Association for International Studies, said the US decision to transfer the nuclear submarine to South Korea was “a huge provocation move, and this is extremely dangerous.”

“This would push the situation on the Korean Peninsula to a point of no return by igniting an armed conflict between the two Koreas, for example, and this conflict might spread to another part of the world,” Gao said in an interview with Sky News Arabia.

The American nuclear program is approaching the Korean peninsula… escalating tension

He added, “The United States should communicate with North Korea to address the roots of instability on the Korean peninsula, instead of sending a nuclear submarine, which would destabilize not only the two Koreas, but all countries in the region.”

And Gao considered that China, which has borders with North Korea, would not accept such a provocative step related to the nuclear submarine, as Beijing condemned it and considered it a threat to security and peace.

He also said on the other hand: “The United States must realize that any military conflict between it and China will be suicidal, and no one will come out of it unharmed, and the two parties must do everything in their power to contain the situation instead of creating a conflict on the Korean Peninsula, which may attract Other countries like Japan and even Russia.

Gao called on the United States to “follow the example of the great powers” and “avoid unilateral moves with nuclear submarines” and “apply for rational and balanced judgment that would defuse tensions rather than inflame the situation.”

He also said that Washington follows a volatile policy. “When Donald Trump was president of the United States, he tried to meet with the North Korean leader’s leader in Singapore and Vietnam, and Biden should follow this approach instead of returning to the Cold War mentality.”

Gao concluded, “I heard one of North Korea’s leaders very well saying that Pyongyang is in the process of ascertaining the seriousness of this threat, and if this actually happened, the nuclear response would be very permissible. They have nuclear platforms that send intercontinental missiles, and if the United States wants to provoke North Korea, it will suffer repercussions.” That would be a violation of the interest of the American people, so I hope that the American people will express their fear of these reckless policies of the American administration that endanger the American people themselves.

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#American #nuclear #program #approaching #Korean #peninsula.. #Tension #escalating
2023-07-19 15:21:51

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