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The Equalizer 3: Denzel Washington Takes on the Italian Mafia in a Captivating Finale

For the third and final part of the film ‘Equalizer’, the American actor Denzel Washington, who plays the role of a former CIA agent, is confronted with the Italian mafia, the Camorra.

For director Antoine Fuqua, it was a question of closing this franchise released for the first time in 2014, on a strong note.

“Personally, I have always been fascinated by the Camorra. They are a unique group that has nothing to do with what we saw in the movie ‘The Godfather’. They are more wild, younger, more vicious even. I know a lot of Italians would say they are more barbaric than the rest. You know, I think people still want to see Italy as an ancient country, with its beauty and art And they forget that underneath that beauty, there’s this other thing that’s just as much a part of it, and that mafia is constantly changing over time, with who its members do business with, and how they conduct themselves. It fascinates me a lot. I think it’s just part of Italy,” says the director.

Antoine Fuqua also explains that the biggest challenge during the filming of the film was to “adapt to Italian culture”.

“The biggest challenge was shooting in a small fishing town. There is no infrastructure for films. And you have to adapt to their pace. For example, you can’t tell an old lady that she has to move because she’s in the frame of the camera. So you have to include her in the shot. So you had to slow down, respect the culture, respect the language and find a common rhythm for everyone,” continues director.

The director must promote the film alone, following a strike by actors and screenwriters in Hollywood. A historic movement which aims to obtain better remuneration and to regulate the use of artificial intelligence.

2023-09-03 12:38:20

#USA #part #film #Equalizer #Denzel #Washington

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