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the epidemic is progressing in Brazil, scenes from “horror film” in Manaus

Published on : 04/23/2020 – 23:12

In Brazil, the epidemic is accelerating, with more than 3,000 dead and 40,000 cases of contamination. The situation is becoming catastrophic in Manaus, in the Amazon region. Authorities are overwhelmed by the number of dead, hospitals and cemeteries are saturated.

From our correspondent in Rio de Janeiro,

The images of the largest cemetery in Manaus, opening mass graves to put the bodies brought into the cold room, shocked the Brazilians.

Overwhelmed, the mayor of the city evokes scenes from ” horror movie And in an emergency, he decided that a maximum of five people would now be allowed to participate in the burials.

The coronavirus is hard hit the Amazonian capital, which concentrates most of the cases of contamination in the region and the medical personnel are sorely lacking in protective equipment.

Manaus has only around 50 intensive care beds for a population of 1.7 million. Its already precarious health system, ill-prepared to deal with the epidemic, is collapsing with fear now of an explosion of deaths.

The region is extremely large, and the situation is all the more complicated for isolated residents with coronavirus – transport to the Amazon is often done by rivers. The city has started building a field hospital and appealed to doctors across Brazil for help.

Read also : Coronavirus: in Brazil, the under-estimated number of contaminations raises fears of a massacre

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