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The Epic Showdown: MJF vs Adam Cole for the AEW World Championship

And we have finally reached the All In Main Event, we have reached the long-awaited challenge valid for the AEW World Championship between the MJF champion and Adam Cole who also became ROH World Tag Team Champions earlier in the evening. Adam Cole seems intent on bringing home only one result, the victory and it can be seen from the entrance, while spectacular that of MJF who returns in The Devil version and Justin Roberts takes care of everything even more with a fantastic presentation of the two contenders and the match.

What an atmosphere and what a challenge!

It starts slow, with the two enjoying the heat of the crowd and putting on Better Than You Bay Bay T-shirts before actually starting to fight. MJF holds out his hand to Cole who shakes it and the two resume the challenge with the champion who is usually the showman of the public, who however also loudly supports Adam Cole. MJF is the first to launch an impropriety who then apologizes, but gets slapped by Cole and the challenge picks up pace. The two slowly raise the engine revs and Cole hits with a Superkick and then MJF goes with a reaction. Friends have become enemies and put their friendship aside the goal is to win. MJF even scores with the Sucide Dove move that he usually uses only in tandem with Cole but gets a 2 count. The two pick up the pace again and again with MJF trying to steal the Panama Sunrise from the opponent who however intercepts it with a Superkick and a piledriver.

Friends, enemies, the goal is the belt!

The action moves outside the ring and Cole hits a Brainbuster on the steps that leaves MJF on the ground but the champion saves himself on the count of 9 returning to the ring. The Salth Of The Earth tries a Tombstone outside the ring but gives up so as not to hurt his friend, but surprisingly it is Adam Cole who performs it taking the not very nice chants of the public. MJF doesn’t give up and scores with a Canadian Destroyer and a Superkick. The two get up and score with a double clothesline that incredibly gives life to a double count of 3! And the referee calls a draw.

5 More Minutes, Nope! Wembley must have a winner!

Adam Ce referring to the Dynamite match asks for another 5 minutes not accepting the draw. As then, MjF refuses but this time asks Cole to continue the match until there is a clear winner. The two go with constant roll-ups and then they KO the referee and arm themselves with chairs both attempting an Eddie Guerrero-style trick. It is Cole who scores with the Panama Sunrise outside the ring but MJF saves himself at 2 and the second scores, but on the referee. MJF can hit Cole with his ring but gives up and Roderick Strong arrives who hits MJF with a low Blow favoring Cole’s Panama Sunrise and Last Shot which would be worth the win but the referee is KO and can’t count 3 stopping at a two soooo wide. Strong passes the belt to Cole who however does not hit MJF and Strong leaves in a rage chased by Cole who gets distracted and allows MJF to perform the winning roll-up. At the end MJF goes to “console” Cole and stirs up the public in favor of his friend but Adam refuses being disappointed by the defeat MJF gets angry and tells Cole to hit him on the back with the belt with Strong coming back and telling Cole to do it. But Adam doesn’t do it and indeed the show ends with the embrace between the two friends Adam Cole and MJF with the former raising his arm to the champion.

Umberto Migliaro

I’m a young boy studying economics at university and who has been following WWE since he was a child, thanks to the famous “boom” in Italy thanks to SmackDown on Italia 1. Obviously useless I would say that my heroes are John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton etc. ..having grown up with them. I also watch AEW with interest. The funny thing is that I used to spend hours on ZW reading articles and now I write to them.

2023-08-27 21:06:04
#Friendship #falters #break #among #thousand #twists #turns #winner #MJF

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