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The Epic Games platform has 160 million registered players and gave out 750 million free games last year | 4Gamers

Epic Games released its annual platform performance report, compared to 2019 Year’s performanceIn 2020, the registered users of the EGS platform have grown to 160 million, and the number of monthly active players (MAU) reached 56 million players in December, showing that the Epic Games platform is gradually growing and becoming the second largest PC electronics gaming platform.

Of course, we all know that Epic Games’ short-term growth is mostly due to the weekly limited-time free game strategy and exclusive games, according toOfficial reportIn detail, Epic Games gave out 103 games last year. The total price of these games is about 67,430 yuan, and players received nearly 750 million copies of the game.


In addition to giving away more games, Epic Games also earns more. According to the report, players will have a total of US$700 million in consumption on the EGS platform in 2020, and players will also have a total of US$265 million in consumption on third-party publisher games on the EGS platform.

According to overseas analyst Daniel Ahmad, Epic Games has 31.3 million daily active players (DAU) and 56 million monthly active players, mostly due to “Fortnite” and limited-time free games. And Steam currently has 62.2 million DAU and 120 million MAU.

Although Tim Sweeney, the CEO of Epic Games, once admitted that the exclusive game strategy will not last forever, he did not mention when the time-limited free game will stop. From January this year, “Star Wars: Battlefield Frontline 2” has a free time limit of more than 1,900. Judging from the numbers received by 10,000 logins, it seems that Epic Games’ strategy can continue for a while.

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