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The Enigmatic ‘Horns Popping Out’ Comet: A Celestial Marvel

The sky is one of the natural phenomena that mankind has admired throughout history. The dance of stars, planets and many other celestial bodies creates a magical view of the sky. Among these images, especially comets are celestial bodies that fascinate people and arouse curiosity. The comet with ‘horns popping out’, which has been on the agenda lately, also draws attention with its name and appearance.

‘Millennium Falcon’-Resembling Comet Striking

This comet, which resembles the ‘Millennium Falcon’, which we are familiar with from Star Wars due to its shape, is a celestial body that moves in the orbit of the Sun and approaches the Earth approximately every 71 years. Recent observations show that 12P ‘horns off’ as a result of a sudden eruption, reaching almost the size of a city.

A Mysterious Structure Behind the Explosion

The explosion of 12P is different from other comets because it has a lot of gas and ice in its core. As a result of this accumulation, the celestial body is torn apart by a violent explosion and the materials inside are ejected. This unique explosion is a visual feast in the sky and is a great research topic for scientists. 12P takes 71 years to orbit the Sun, during which time the comet passes through the farthest reaches of the Solar System.

A Shining Beauty: The Brightness of the Comet

Recent observations have shown that 12P suddenly increases in brightness. The reason for this increase in brightness is related to the sudden swelling of the coma of gas and ice crystals released from within the comet. As a result of this swelling, the comet shines by reflecting more Sunlight to Earth. Thus, it presents an impressive light show in the sky.

Colossal Dimensions: Impressive Coma of the Comet

According to the latest measurements, the tail of the comet reached a length of about 230 thousand kilometers. This is an indication that the kernel size has grown excessively. The comet’s coma has reached a length of exactly 7,000 times the size of the core. These gigantic dimensions make the secret behind its bright and impressive appearance in the sky even more intriguing.

Magical Dance in the Sky

The sky is a scene that has always attracted people’s curiosity and admiration. The comet with its ‘horns sticking out’ also takes its place in the sky as an important figure of this magical dance. The dance of stars, planets and comets is only part of our journey to discover the mystery of the universe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a comet?

Comets are celestial bodies that orbit the Sun and are often known for their long, bright tails. These tails are formed when the comet heats up as it approaches the Sun and gas is ejected.

Why does the brightness of the comet change?

The brightness of comets can be altered by the sudden swelling of the coma of gas and ice crystals emitted from them. As a result of this swelling, the comet shines by reflecting more sunlight.

What are the characteristics of comet with ‘horns sticking out’?

The ‘horns-out’ comet gets its name from the horn-like structure of gas and matter ejected from its core. These horns may become more prominent as the kernel size increases.

Why do comets explode?

The explosion of comets occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of gas and ice accumulated in their core. As a result of this accumulation, the core can be shattered by a violent explosion and the materials inside can be thrown out.

How often do comets appear?

Comets usually move in long orbits and approach the Solar System every few years. But each comet’s orbit is different, so their incidence may vary.

2023-08-09 19:59:23
#Comet #horns #sticking #approaching #earth

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