After their visit in 2019, the Enfoirés reinvestedArkea Arena de Floirac to record their concert series. From January 17 to 22, 2024, around thirty artists will take the stage in different paintings. Mentissa, Shym, Nolwenn Leroy, Christophe Willem, Ycare… Six concerts and a crazy atmosphere. France Bleu Gironde slipped behind the scenes and attended the recordings.
A long and beautiful evening with the Enfoirés
To take you behind the scenes of the concerts of Bastards at the Arkea Arena in Floirac, Marie Ottoz left with her France Bleu Gironde microphone to meet the artists and attend the rehearsals before the first concert on Wednesday evening, a big dress rehearsal “with its hiccups and adjustments”. The show started at 7:30 p.m. until 11:50 p.m. Some artists were a little dissipated, but everything remained in a beautiful summer camp spirit.
Pampered artists
Catering, physiotherapy, osteopathy, make-up artists, hairdressers… everything is put in place so that the artists can put on a show between rehearsals and performances for an audience that sets fire! But artists are not the only ones to mobilize. Nearly 300 Girondin volunteers from Restos du coeur are present on site. Everyone contributes their stone to the building founded by Coluche.
We count on you
France Bleu, a partner radio chosen by the volunteers, is alongside the Restos du coeur. This year again, we are counting on you. Please note that the purchase of a CD or DVD allows the distribution of 17 meals.
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2024-01-19 05:40:21
#scenes #Enfoirés #concerts #Bordeaux #France #Bleu