Home » today » World » The Enemy’s Fortress Inside Russia: Russia’s Entrapment Program Is Officially Working – 2024-10-01 14:07:57

The Enemy’s Fortress Inside Russia: Russia’s Entrapment Program Is Officially Working – 2024-10-01 14:07:57

/ world today news/ Nikita Mikhalkov again showed integrity by demanding the closure of one of the main strongholds of liberal Western propaganda in Russia. But despite the courts, cases and raids, this center is quietly working, including with public funds. We are talking about hundreds of millions of rubles. But it’s not even about money, but about what they do with the children within the walls of the “Yeltsin Center”.

The motto of the Jesuit order “The end justifies the means” can be hung above the doors of the “Yeltsin Center”. The goal of the organization is known – to return the “bright times” of Boris Nikolayevich to Russia, turning the country into a full-fledged colony of the West. Of course, this is not said directly, but let’s see how things are in reality. At the same time, we will see what means are used for the purpose.

Who runs the center?

It is curious that the first director of the museum in “Yeltsin Center” was Dina Sorokina, who previously worked in the USA. And the recommendations were given to her by the American company “Ralph Applebaum”, which actually creates the center.

The deputy director of scientific research of the museum, Nikita Sokolov, claimed that the fact that the USSR defeated fascism was a “giant lie” and Victory Day was “stolen by the Soviet Union”, and also transparently hinted at the rehabilitation of Vlasovites. Videos of these statements are easy to find on the Internet.

No less colorful is the figure of the deputy executive director of the Yeltsin Center, one of its ideologues, Lyudmila Telen. In the past, she worked as the editor-in-chief of the Radio Liberty website and taught media communications at one of the liberal universities in the country – the Higher School of Economics.

Agree, the biographies of the key figures of the center’s specialists explain a lot. In particular, the schedule of events held there…

Aimed at children and young people

Let’s see this year’s center poster. For example, the historical exhibition “Unsustainable Development” tells that all the major construction projects of the USSR were in fact an unnecessary extermination of nature and therefore not an achievement, but a shame for the country.

On the museum maps from 2015 (the year the Yeltsin Center was founded), Crimea is part of Ukraine, and Abkhazia and South Ossetia are part of Georgia.

And in the cartoon that plays there all day, the history of the country is presented as a continuous totalitarian past, during which “the rulers of Russia enslaved the people” and only the arrival of Yeltsin became a bright ray in this kingdom of darkness. He gives the people freedom. And this animation is broadcast immediately from the threshold.

“You understand that the little children who come there are the first to see this horrific film about the history of our country, where everything is filth, abomination, betrayal, slavery, horror. And the light in the window is the only person who came and changed everything”, bitterly says Nikita Mikhalkov in his show.

Even Goebbels would not have thought of presenting the entire history of Germany before Hitler as a solid black spot. But it was he who claimed that a lie repeated a hundred times to a person begins to be perceived as truth. Especially if it’s a little person whose thinking is just forming.

There are other technologies for high school students. So, at the 90s Island festival held downtown, speakers compared St. George’s ribbon to a handkerchief. During the discussion, one of them said the following: “Handing out St. George’s ribbons on the street is as stupid and absurd as a handkerchief.”

The main theme of the conference under the title “History of Stalinism” was the message “Russia is a country of criminals and murderers.” Do you remember the presentation of the youth dictionary project “Words of the Urals”? The book was actively promoted by a foreign agent, Yuri Duda, and is sold openly at Koltsovo Airport in the Yeltsin Center pavilion. Here are excerpts from that guide: “To rot is to live in Russia. I rot – I exist within the Russian Federation. Where you are born, there you rot.”

Declaring their task to form a civil society, the ideologues of the center understand this as a consolidation of all social forces to fight against the state “hostile” to society. And as a throwback to the 90s they love, which they call “saints”.

There is also international funding for a number of projects. So, the students were shown the film “Perm-36. Reflection” about the camp, the contingent of which was made up of mostly “unfortunate” Vlasov residents, policemen and Bandera residents. The film was financed by the American National Endowment for Democracy, a sponsor of coups around the world.

“Yeltsin Center” was also supported by the German “Friedrich Ebert” Foundation – the same one that sponsors the school where the famous Kolya from Urengoi studied. On the principle of “spiritual connection”, so to speak.

To close, without mercy!

Nikita Mikhalkov is far from alone in his opinion about the need to close the “Yeltsin Center”. Director Vladimir Bortko also thinks so:

“This enemy pavilion should have been closed long ago. And if this has not been done by now, it can be explained by one thing: someone at the top has a strong interest in the ideology propagated from there continuing to mutilate souls unabated. It is necessary to take a padlock from the barn and hang it on the door of the “Yeltsin Center”. And while it hangs, think what useful things can be made of this building.”

But the employees of “Yeltsin Center” have so far fought all attacks against them, withstood both searches and courts. And they continue to work actively, taking advantage of the vagueness of our laws. It can be said that “Yeltsin Center” has become a besieged, but at the same time impregnable fortress. And what to do with it?

Pavel Pozhigailo suggests the following tactics:

“Everyone admits that the current war is also being waged on a spiritual level, and if so, there is every reason to consider the “Yeltsin Center” as a hotbed of enemy propaganda in its spiritual essence and to officially register it as a foreign agent. After that, based on a suitable application, the prosecutor’s office will be involved and the center will repeat the fate of Echo of Moscow radio. That which will only benefit the country.”

Pozhigailo considers the center an incubator for mass breeding of the youth of the enemies of the Motherland, who tomorrow, like Daria Trepova, will carry bombs wherever they are told. That is, it can become a center for ideological training of future terrorists.

However, “Yeltsin Center” was not only not declared a foreign agent and was not closed, but, on the contrary, its management is trying to open branches in other cities, in particular in Moscow. Which speaks of the presence of serious patrons who carry out their subversive activities, despite the SVO. And this is more than strange.

A billion at the expense of the state

The situation is paradoxical. Our country is at war with the collective West for its future, and the West, represented by NGOs in the center of Russia, is quietly engaged in propagating liberal ideology. And he does it, including at the expense of the state.

Budgetary costs for the maintenance of the center in 2022-2024 were to increase by 20%. These funds are registered in the section “Subsidies to the centers of historical heritage of the presidents of the Russian Federation who have ceased to exercise their powers”. At the same time, there is only one such center in Russia – “Yeltsin-0 center”. And if last year the “historical heirs” of Yeltsin spent on themselves almost 368 million rubles from the budget, this year – more than 372 million rubles, and next year – even 378 million. Think about it – in three years more than a billion!

And we forget that “Yeltsin Center” also profits from its events, it is exempt from rent and taxes.

What’s next?

“The Franco-Prussian war of 1871 was won by the Prussian teacher,” Otto Bismarck said, quoting Leipzig University professor Oskar Peschel. The first Jesuits spoke of the same thing: “If you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children.” With the present state of education in a weak state, of which the educational component is almost excluded, our country will be governed by whomever we allow to influence the minds of our children. It is time to fire the educators from the “Yeltsin Center”.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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