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The end of the world … the sun threatens the earth with burning

Scientists believe that the end of the planet will be at the hands of the sun, as astronomers announced that it will someday expand to the so-called red giant and make the earth boil, making the planet a lifeless rock.

The sun is the beating heart of our solar system, as it has overwhelmed us with its energy over the past 4.5 billion years, but it will also be the source of our perdition.When the sun burns non-stop, it goes through a continuous cycle of nuclear fusion, bringing together smaller hydrogen atoms to form larger atoms of helium. This process releases massive amounts of energy that reach our planet in the form of light and heat.

According to the US space agency “NASA“The warmth of the sun has made life on Earth possible and an important source of energy for many organisms such as plants, but the sun, which is about 4.6 billion years old, is already in the middle of its life cycle, according to the British newspaper” Daily Express “.

And when the sun burns through its fuel reserves, it will one day run out and undergo a process that will likely make our world uninhabitable.

Astronomers expect that the sun will someday turn into what is called a red giant or a dying star in the final stage of its stellar evolution, andAt this point, the sun will have run out of hydrogen and the internal gravitational forces inside the star will overcome the external pressures affecting The star, therefore The sun will begin to expand and cool like an inflating balloon.

NASA estimates that the red giant will be about 2,000 times brighter than the Sun now, but what’s even more worrisome is that the expanding star will likely envelop the inner planets, Mercury and Venus.

And although the Earth might still be out of reach of the red giant, it would be hot enough to burn the planet.

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