Home » today » World » The end of social justice – View Info – 2024-08-14 16:07:02

The end of social justice – View Info – 2024-08-14 16:07:02

/ world today news/ No, this is not an American plot – or not only such. This is also our story. Because its essence is the shameful failure of another (one of many) campaigns that the Americans have dragged around the world, destroying normal human societies where they themselves allow themselves to be destroyed.

The main thing here is why they failed. And on this subject, an article by a really intelligent man on the right wing of American politics, Victor David Hanson, has been making the rounds on all the blogs. There he gives as many as ten explanations why the idea of ​​creating a new aristocracy from American blacks collapsed, crushing morally and not only morally the rest of the population.

Here it is necessary to recall the essence of the event. Back in June, the US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional black admissions programs at two universities. Clearly, this is a legal precedent, so other universities have begun (relievedly) to roll back these quotas. And not only them, corporations also came alive. In short, a revolution. Democrat Joe Biden said it was a “crazy process” and Republican Donald Trump said “this is a great day for America.”

So now Hanson tells us that the long campaign of terror has come to an end, which includes the atrocities of the Black Lives Matter movement and more. In fact, if you look at the American reality, the author is not quite right, he rather tries to tell opponents “you have already lost” and thus demoralize them – there is such a trick. Yet we see, if not the destruction, then a blow to triumphant black racism. There had definitely been no pogroms and looting of shops for a long time. And for a long time there were no corresponding demonstrations outside America.

Why did it happen? The ten reasons given by Hanson are too many, but a few of them are interesting. Moreover, in all cases we are not concerned with the racial problems of the United States, but with the general principle. The idea of ​​university admissions quotas for blacks was about social (racial) justice. That is, the children did not do well at school, but they belong to the class that was oppressed in past centuries, so justice dictates that they be admitted to universities, despite their poor success. In general, this includes a conversation about our education, about the Unified State Examination, and about what justice is and how to establish it.

So, Hanson says: it’s not even about the US Constitution, it’s about what idea it came from. The idea (also known as the American dream) was that theoretically every resident of the country had an equal chance of success, based only on their own abilities, without all those European feudal primogeniture quotas, including preferential rights to education. And black racists actually tried to bring back feudalism – but then why was it necessary to create America in the first place?

It also raises the question of why we are only talking about immigrants from Africa. There are many other racial communities in the country, mostly Asian, which – oddly enough – do more on average than the white population. What, how and for whom else will quotas be imposed in this situation? And why only in education – in basketball, blacks clearly predominate, and in baseball teams there are more Latin Americans. What should we do? But the blacks, wherever they could, and not only in the universities, claimed special rights in general for everything, giving as many explanations as they liked that it was justice – they were descendants of slaves. By the way, in future ages they will therefore be told that they are the descendants of parasites who have made their way in life not by merit but by the color of their skin.

Finally, says Hanson, there are opinion polls. The Democrats, of course, have theirs, but overall, up to 70% of Americans think it’s time to eliminate the quotas. And most importantly, about half of the black community thinks the same way.

This explains why the enthusiasm of blacks in the US has somewhat waned: they no longer believe. That the black community has been used for political purposes is now clear to all, but what it has gotten or will get out of it, other than bogus quotas, is another matter. That is, he received including the right not to work and live on social benefits, but is it necessary?

And also on the topic of why this story is not just American. The fact is that all campaigns to destroy human societies around the world (with the aim of improving them, of course) are built on the same technology: societies must, to begin with, be divided into parts that fear and hate each other. It doesn’t matter which ones. Men vs. women, gays vs. regulars, blacks vs. whites, smokers vs. non-smokers, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, climate change believers vs. non-believers, etc. Everything worked at first. Now something is already breaking or cracking. And watching this is useful and enjoyable.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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