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The end of containment : “I refuse to submit my children to school,” says a resident of Sarcelles

There was almost anger in the voice of Sarah. “I refuse to submit my children to school “. She and her husband will not come back on their decision. Their three boys, Nour, age 10 CM2, Ishmael, 8 years in CE2, and Abel, 6 years in CE1 (name changed) will stay in the family’s apartment in Sarcelles (Val-d’oise), after the gradual opening of educational institutions from Monday, may 11.

“The most important thing for me is the health and safety of my children. I believe that it will not be ensured in the coming weeks. And I’m not the only one. I talk every day with parents of students of Sarcelles via a group Whats App and most will keep their children at home. We speak of human lives, it has lost loved ones… “

“Our children will have a mask ? Will they be detected ?”

This mother of a family of 39, an employee of a town hall in Ile-de-France, will ask a lot of questions : “Our children will have a mask ? Will they be detected ? And the teachers ? How do you know otherwise that is a carrier of the disease ? Since the containment, when one has to go to the school to retrieve documents, we deposit them on a bench in front of the establishment and it includes. And now, it would be necessary to send our young ? Out of the question ! “

Sarah remembers a two-week “very stressful” before the closing of the schools. “When I would collect my boys, I washed my limit at karcher “. She laughed, yellow. And then imagine what the situation would be today if they were taking over the path of their school Jean-Jaurès, classified REP (a Network of priority education). “Even at 15 students per class, it is too much. The teachers will be required to verify compliance with the social distancing, but how to prevent children from playing with their buddies? In the toilet, it is often a lack of soap for washing hands. And in the canteen, it will be how? There is a lack of capacity in hospitals, long-term care Facility, it will be the same in the schools “, said she.

Teachers do share their concern

In a long mail that is addressed to the parents of the students, a kindergarten teacher, Hauts-de-Seine is part of his skepticism. “It is impossible, and to enforce the gestures barriers to young children,” she wrote while being afraid of ” the risk of a massive contamination of the children, adults, and families “. This Wednesday, reached by phone, she invites the parents to decide “whether or not” they wish to send their children back to school.” And it ensures that some teachers are already prepared to use their right of withdrawal.

“We are told that it is necessary to reopen the schools to reduce inequalities, continues Sarah. It’s been years that there has to be more capacity, we explain our difficulties, but we are not listening. It is necessary to prepare the reception children in September. The teachers should go back to the same class as this year, at the higher level. It will provide a pedagogical follow-up… “

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