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The emotional greeting of Susana Giménez, Ricardo Darín and other celebrities for Mirtha Legrand on her return to television

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Greetings from celebrities to Mirtha (Video: “La Noche de Mirtha”, ElTrece)

It was known that the producer Story Lab I had several surprises prepared for Mirtha Legrand, in what would be his great return to television after nine months in which he could not do his program due to the coronavirus pandemic. And one of them was, neither more nor less, than a video in which the most important figures of the Argentine show sent him their message of affection.

“I want to give you a huge welcome and a big kiss, something that I couldn’t give you all this year, and welcome you to your home. I also want to tell you that the fort has been very well protected by Juana (Avenue), which followed the tradition of elegance, of sympathy and, above all, of courage that you impressed on the program for so many years, “he said. Juan Jose Campanella.

For its part, Gino Bogani He assured: “We were waiting for your return. We have been friends for so many years. A whole life, as it says Marcela (Tinayre)So we are family So many things we have lived together, which is a real emotion. We are all very happy to see you and you will be divine as always ”.

Then it was the turn of Graciela Borges. “Simple words: have a blessed day, be happy with this return of yours that you wanted so much. Congratulations to Juanita who covered you so well. And that everyone continues to love you as they still love you. There is a phrase that I love: ‘May love enlighten you that the rest comes alone.’

Jorge LanataFrom Uruguay, he told her: “What they see behind me they know by heart, which is the sea. I am in José Ignacio. I managed to take a vacation once. And this place evokes many memories with you, because we have met here many times. I’m really glad you’re back. I missed you like everyone else missed you throughout the year. And it’s great that they do that show tonight. I do not know how it will continue, but that you decide too. I know you had a difficult year. I didn’t call you about Goldy, but I imagine it was and is still difficult for you now. And I don’t know if you were right to be so locked up. You are a new star, I bank you, I love you and I thank you for many things you did for me ”.

Then it was time to Ricardo Darin. “Mirtha dear, I know that you are returning to TV, which is going to make many people happy. So I congratulate you, for many reasons. First, for your integrity, your strength, your ability, for your endurance, for having delegated the chair to your granddaughter, which she did very well and I take the opportunity to congratulate her too. I think many people are celebrating your return, everyone is waiting for you to become active again, because you know everything that people love you, “said the actor.

The channel’s programming manager, Adrian SuarHe pointed out: “What to tell you that they haven’t told you? I remember the month of April or May, when you told me: ‘This year I don’t know if I’m going to come back.’ And we both wanted so much. I would tell you: ‘It seems to me that for September or October, you are going to come back because you are unique. You have a strength, a desire, a vitality. I am very happy to have you on the screen of ElTrece, which is always your home ”.

Finally arrived Susana gimenez. “Hello Chiqui, dear of my heart. I’m in Miami, it’s still sunny but since it’s winter it gets dark right away. I did not go to the hairdresser, I do not have makeup, I have nothing … I am a witch, but I love that you return to TV with Juani who has done very well, every day better. I would even tell you how cool it is. And very pretty. I hope you are happy to say goodbye to your audience for this horrible year and that 2021 is better. I love you ”, said the diva.


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