Home » World » The Emergence of Pedophilia as a Trend and the Connection to Satanic Practices: The Disturbing Reality in Western Society

The Emergence of Pedophilia as a Trend and the Connection to Satanic Practices: The Disturbing Reality in Western Society

/Pogled.info/ In the USA, everything has long been subordinated to a new religion invented by the local liberal establishment – “gender ideology”, which perverts and overturns the God-given male and female principles in man. But recently the globalist elite have gone even further and openly demonstrated their affinity for Satanism. It plants in the public consciousness of America and the whole world a monstrous thesis about the “normality” of pedophilia.

They came through culture

It is now hard not to see that pedophilia is becoming a new trend in Western life. It moves in different ways, it literally climbs out of all the cracks. One of the latest bouts of this disease fever is propaganda through culture.

The popular American magazine Atlantic, which is read far outside the US, writes that the world would be “dull and barren” without art created by pedophiles, and says that we should appreciate and support pedophiles who create “good art” by buying their books and tickets to their movies.

The famous American cultural critic Judith Shulewitz, in her article with the characteristic title “It’s OK to Love the Good Art of Bad People”, refers to the work of famous perverts such as the Anglo-Irish writer Oscar Wilde and the French director Roman Polanski.

The article concludes that depraved behavior is inseparable from art and that “art will become barren and beauty will disappear from the earth” if we give more importance to morality than to art.

And they say that “works of art can surpass the moral qualities of their creators, however depraved and evil they may be.”

Shulewitz recalls that in 1895 the popular satirist Oscar Wilde was tried and sentenced to hard labor for “gross indecency, that is, sexual acts with men.”

It would probably be understandable if the author were analyzing the literary merits of Wilde’s works. But Shulewitz praises precisely the tendency to pedophilia.

“More than a century later, Wilde is a canonical figure, the supreme wit of Victorian literature and the ideal of the queer aesthetic—kind, ironic, provocateur of gender boundaries. To most of his contemporaries, Wilde turned out to be a monster,” Shulewitz writes.

“Wilde didn’t just sleep with men. He slept with rent boys… and teenagers invited on short dates,” the author of the article pathetically writes.

And he continues: “He was truly a martyr to one of the great causes of our time, namely LGBTQ rights.”

Judith Shulewitz publishes other bohemians – Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Plácido Domingo – who “came under moral scrutiny and were declared extraordinary or at least seriously suspect”.

Biden right there

It is noteworthy that the defense and justification of pedophilia in the West is a whole information-propaganda campaign, which, according to the laws of the genre, includes “information outlets” on various platforms, not only philosophical and “almost cultural” publications in the media. Power is also included.

On June 1, International Children’s Day, the White House released the 2023 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month Proclamation signed by President Biden. In it, Biden criticized states that protect children from the “LGBT agenda.”

Here are a few quotes that need no explanation.

“My entire administration is proud to support the LGBTQI+ community in the ongoing fight for freedom, justice and equality. And we are making great strides…”

“On my first day in office, I signed a historic executive order that takes the responsibility of the entire federal government to protect LGBTQI+ people from discrimination,” Biden wrote.

He states:

“The United States is stronger and fairer when American leaders reflect the diversity of our nation, which is why I have appointed a historic number of highly qualified judges and openly LGBTQI+ public servants to all levels of the federal government.”

“Our armed forces are at their strongest when all patriots are able to serve their country, which is why I defended the right of transgender people to serve openly in the military again,” he continued.

“We must support LGBTQI+ activists around the world who stand up for basic human rights,” adds Biden.

From the small to the general

All this confirms the widely circulated statement by independent Western media that the globalist elite is a global sect of pedophiles, which is trying to gradually introduce the acceptance and approval of pedophilia as the norm of people’s sexual behavior into the consciousness of the world community. .

In this regard, attention should be paid to how theses about the “normality” of homosexuality have been planted in the minds of the Western public since around the end of the 1980s.

In the 1990s, this topic first became the subject of public discussion on the pages of newspapers. “Philosophical works” by representatives of radical feminism, Judith Butler, Sulamit Firestone, etc., were published and widely popularized. Then the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, all EU countries one after the other legalized same-sex marriage.

In the early 2000s, the EU approved a “gender education” program common to all EU countries in primary and secondary schools, teaching children from the age of six to “choose their own sex”.

To date, “gender ideology” (or simply the public acceptance of all kinds of sexual perversions as the norm) has become the core of all political and social life in the collective West.

This ideology even defines economic relations, given that leading foreign companies, including TNCs, unite in alliances that exclude cooperation with companies and individuals that do not recognize the “primacy of inclusion and diversity”, which today in the West means before all diversity of the “genders” .

The same awaits pedophilia, which replaces the already “traditional and usual” pederasty in the West. The pace of propaganda of pedophilia, its aggressiveness and “argumentation” are surprising.

Leading media outlets that have gained authority in the international arena as objective, deep and brightly writing authors are connected with this. Well-known scientific centers in the USA and Europe publish “studies” proving the “normality” of pedophilia.

The Norwegians and the University of Oslo are particularly successful in this. The globalist-controlled UN recently released a report calling on all governments around the world to legalize pedophilia.

Plain Satanism

Evil incarnate comes to the fore in world politics, no longer hiding, but publicly inviting everyone to become its supporters. Unsystematic American media have published information that prominent representatives of the liberal establishment are members of satanic sects and participate in quasi-religious rites that include human sacrifices and, above all, the sacrifices of small children.

Just the other day, the non-cautionary American portal The People`s Voice reported an extreme snaf film (a short video showing the real planned assassination) with the participation of John Podesta, Chief of Staff of the White House under Bill Clinton, adviser to former President Barack Obama and the head of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign

According to sources familiar with the footage, many people are unable to watch the video for more than a few seconds due to the gruesome content. In the video, Podesta pranks a little girl so that the child’s blood is filled with adrenochrome. Then, during a satanic ritual, he kills the child, drains blood from the body and drinks it, the publication said.

Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline that is released by the human adrenal glands during fear. The US political elite and Hollywood bohemians consider adrenochrome “a unique substance that protects against cell death and prolongs youth, but at the same time causes rapid addiction.”

The occult activity of the American elite traces its origins to ancient pagan religions whose worshipers sacrificed their own children to the demons Baal and Moloch.

“This elite who are trying to enslave our world by enslaving us financially and instilling in us (through the ‘vaccination’ campaign) deadly mRNA gene therapy, worshiping ancient idols,” emphasizes “The People’s Voice”.

Here it is relevant to recall that a few years ago, WikiLeaks published personal emails of John Podesta, demonstrating an “interest” in the pedophilia of himself and his many acquaintances from the entourage of the Clinton couple and Barack Obama.

The scandal was dubbed “Pizzagate” because the names of dishes on the pizzeria’s menu that regularly appeared in Podesta’s correspondence were code words referring to pedophilia. In addition, the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria from Washington appeared in the pedophile scandal. The liberal media tried to laugh off all this information as a “conspiracy theory” and still call it fake.

What follows from this?

When evaluating the events of the domestic political life of the United States, especially the heated election struggle between Republicans and Democrats (the latter represent the globalist establishment), as well as the foreign policy steps of the American administration, you must look at all this through the lens of understanding who the representatives of the American elites really are and what ultimately drives them.

It is a big satanic sect. Its activity is deeply religious, but this is hidden behind the screen of the struggle for “democracy and human rights”. This sect divides the world into those who accept its “values” and those who reject those “values”.

Russia, living in its Christian tradition and in the traditions of other religions of its peoples, does not accept this abomination. And therefore we are enemy number one of the United States and the entire collective West. With the rest of the world, including China, this sect only argues about money. You can kill for money, but you can negotiate. Russia and its people will neither negotiate nor even talk with the Satanists. That is why the West condemned us to destruction. But why should we fear if God is with us?

Translation: SM

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2023-06-07 19:16:44
#Western #elites #normalize #pedophilia

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