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The Elysée strengthens the protection around Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, illustration – Alvaro Barrientos / AP / SIPA

Limited meetings, suspended visits, reduced team… Faced with the spread of coronavirus, the Elysée has significantly strengthened the protective measures around
by Emmanuel Macron and his staff, said the presidency,
confirming information from France Interadding that the head of state intends to continue his travels.

No more meetings are organized in his offices and attention is paid to the objects he touches, such as pens, pads or files, to “preserve the workspace of the president,” explained the Elysee, adding: “A space is maintained around it”.

Disinfected rooms after each meeting

Reinforced protective measures also apply to the 800 employees of the palace and in particular to the closest collaborators of Emmanuel Macron. Thus public visits are suspended, guests for lunches or dinners reduced to the bare essentials. All visitors are systematically asked if they have been exposed to contact cases or have visited cluster areas.

In addition to the “barrier measures” that have been in place for ten days – no more hugging or shaking hands, etc. -, meetings in offices are now prohibited and chairs more widely spaced. Dedicated meeting rooms are set up, with cleaning between each meeting. The main collaborators of the Head of State are subject to reinforced vigilance measures: they must be more careful in transport, go less to the cinema or to the theater, etc. A business continuity plan has already been put in place, with a pair system.

“The head of state does not intend to live confined, he wants to continue to move”

Staff members who have been in contact with a contact case or who have visited a cluster are asked to stay at home, which is the case for three people from the Palace, “But there is no case at the Elysee,” said the presidency. “But the head of state does not intend to live confined, he wants to continue to move,” added his entourage. On Monday, he inaugurated a Happy Café on the Champs-Elysées with hundreds of people, and on Monday evening he received hundreds more for decorations for business leaders. Tuesday morning, he planned a new trip.

Last night, the presidency could not cancel the decoration discounts “but the president was careful” to limit contacts. “This will be the last session of this type for now,” said his entourage. The ceremony in tribute to the victims of terrorism scheduled for Wednesday, notably in the presence of the King of Spain, has been maintained, but the number of guests limited to 900.



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