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“The elephant in the room” by Marcelo Noboa Fiallo – Letters from readers in La Nueva Espaa

The victory of Viktor Orbn in the Hungarian elections on April 2nd has been one of the gifts that Vladimir Putin has received in the Kremlin, in the midst of the invasion and destruction of Ukraine. The other great gift was achieved in 2016 with Brexit. That was “big game” because, for Putin, it was the beginning of the collapse of the founding project of the European Union

The new tsar of Russia has supporters in the West whom he pampers and finances for years in his goal of weakening the “perfidious” European Union (Orbon, Salvini, Le Pen, Abascal, Vucic…), that is, the cream of the European extreme right, for whom the current EU is a moratorium for their ultranationalist interests and visions, which coincide with the interests of Putin’s Great Russia (we do not include Mateusz Morawiecki from Poland, also of the extreme right and anti-nationalist values). Europeans, because in this case Poland’s historical rejection of Russia and the fear of being invaded outweigh other considerations).

“We have had a great victory. So great that it can be seen from the Moon, and of course, from Brussels”, was Viktor Orbn’s clear message to the European capital and, how could it be otherwise, the president in congratulating him was his friend Vladimir Putin, who expressed his “desire to further strengthen ties between Moscow and Budapest”. In turn, Orbn in his speech, after winning the elections, made it clear that Volodmir Zelensky was joining the list of enemies of Hungary.

If there is something good about Orbn, it is that it does not hide. You don’t need to hide to win (as Marine Le Pen does). Since 2014, the year in which he won for the second time, he promised that he would break with Western dogmas and that from then on he would assume “non-liberal models, nor liberal democracies” and that the models of China, Turkey, India and, of course Putin’s Russia, with whom he has met eleven times in 10 years. He shares with the eternal tenant of the Kremlin the staunch defense of the nation, the traditional family and Christian values, for which he has been reforming the judicial model with judges related to his social model; tweaking the electoral system for his benefit and, let no one doubt it, end up reforming the constitution to eternalize himself in power like Putin.

According to Mortar Path (“Centre for European Reform”) Viktor Orbn belongs to the Putin school. “Both participate in the same game: misinformation, corruption, oligarchic systems that are within the government and the conservative national touch of identity.” It has been, until now, the elephant in Europe’s room that no one wanted to highlight its presence or directly ignore. The elephant knew and knows that it cannot be expelled from the EU (there are no mechanisms for this) and unanimity when making important decisions has become a “boomerang” in the club of 27, with which, paradoxically, , all Europeans are financing with our taxes the ultra-nationalist, anti-LGTBI, xenophobic and anti-abortion model of Viktor Orbn and his alliance with Vladimir Putin. The model has been growing to the extent that the extreme right is growing in other countries within the European Union.

Putin must be very angry because the division of the vote of the French extreme right has prevented Marine Le Pen from being the winner in the first round of the French elections (Le Pen, 23.1 and Zemmour, 7.1) with the 30% of the votes cast. Let’s wait to see what happens in the second round. Nothing is written because the elephant remains in the room.

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