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The Elections are Over and Whoop: Building Tax Likely to be Raised – Expert Analysis Sofia, Bulgaria

The elections are over and whoop: maybe we’re going to raise the building tax – you’ve been tricked again and you’ll be like this endlessly, said the mathematician

Sofia, Bulgaria08 Nov. 2023, 20:05 12459 read 11 comments

Mathematician Prof. Nikolay Vitanov made his daily analysis, in which he talked about what is happening on the Bulgarian political scene. In addition, he commented on how the events are developing on the fronts in Ukraine and Israel. Along with this, the mathematician made a “breakdown” of the situation with the spread of the coronavirus in Bulgaria.

“We continue with the comments on Grandpa Henry

Henry Kissinger (Day 16)

… I am against the portrayal of China as the demon of the world community. China has grasped faster than other countries what globalization means and what it requires. The country learned how to use foreign innovations for itself.

India, incidentally, is not far behind China in this regard. Both are not nations in the European sense, but rather cultural communities with huge markets. The challenge of the future is to figure out how to deal with this.

No one can deny that Grandpa Henry is a China specialist. He had been dealing with the Chinese since the time of the Vietnam War. China has learned to use foreign innovation for itself, Grandpa Henry tells us. And India is not far behind.

But why did they learn? The answer is simple – because they have a real elite and not an installed one a tribe of peddlers as such, a tribe to sell them national interests every godday (without skipping and holidays).

Cultural communities with huge markets and the US can’t handle it. That’s right – Grandpa Henry himself tells you so.

What’s next for us. We have a tribe of peddlers who, instead of learning to use foreign innovations to our advantage, are constantly selling to us to keep foreign societies from collapsing. Result – ruin after ruin in the homeland. Sellers, sir, there is a tale. A mistake, says Vitanov, a big mistake.

And more – the USA cannot deal with China and India. They have yet to learn how to get better.

Reconsider the Bautsar policy, says Vitanov, a more intelligent policy is needed here. What’s next – hide, hide, hide-ya-ya-ya! Notice – why did Vitanov quote Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, but not communists. Is that what you wish for, my little bastards? Oh my god, the little bastards! It seems that you are so simple, and you are so simple.

Ok, zero problems. After Grandfather Henry’s month is over, until the New Year – every day, discussions on Karl Marx. You will very well teach him who this is, you may not doubt. After that, we can also make a month of Lenin, and why not, then make a month of Stalin.

There will be a lot of jumping and croaking under Stalin. And would you like a month of Adolf Hitler with comments from Vitanov? To show you why this book is banned in some countries, and rightly so. Do not take to forget.

Vitanov’s Law: When the Yurdish forget about the dangers of the past, the dangers of the past descend upon Yurdish heads again.

Finally, the election is over and ho-o-oop: I guess we’re going to raise the building tax. And congratulations, my yellow-faced little boys. They tricked you again. They could have told you that before the election, right? But first they tricked you in the elections, then they tricked you with the building tax, and then they will continue to trick you. Here you are

Vitanov’s law: The yellow-bellied yurdeck’s pacing is inversely proportional to the amount of brains in its head.

Zero intelligence – endless stupidity. So don’t be surprised, my little fools, why you are like this endlessly. What Vitanov says to you: Get off the bare hooks, think with your head, it was not given to you just to hold your mouth so that you can slap without thinking. You see what there is in the face of these appeals, – hide-ya-ya, hide-ya-ya, woo-woo-woo, Vitanov keeps quoting Henry Kissinger to us. No problem – you’ll be sick of Karl Marx then.

On to the wars.

The war in Gaza.

What did Vitanov say? There will be 10,000 killed, and then tens of thousands. So far – 10,300 Palestinians killed, to 2,000 killed on the Israeli side. More – over 12,000. Have you passed 10,000? They passed. So they’ve jumped over ten thousand and are heading in the direction of tens of thousands.

The Israeli army’s reserve brigades are about a week away from achieving combat readiness, combat readiness such that they can launch a massive assault on Gaza. I wrote you – Hamas will put up fierce resistance, but it doesn’t stand a chance against the Israeli army. The Turkish army and the Iranian army have a chance, but these two armies are far away.

A massive migrant problem is looming, and instead of picking their noses, our ruling heroes need to think hard. Along with the Palestinians, at least 5 million others who are waiting in Turkey and on the African coast will rush to Europe.

What do you think will happen if you have installed sellers of national interests. Well, they will sell you the national interests and it will be filled with migrants here. You can’t get enough of Ukrainiansso you know, the salesman, that’s why he’s a salesman, because he’s selling the national interest.

Also, then you will be charged a building tax and a garbage fee again, and again you will pay the garbage fee according to the tax assessment, not according to the number of users of the service. Zer money is needed for social systems. It is not enough for you that there are many pensioners – and migrants will pile up for you to look at.

Thus, the energy of the people drains away to maintain foreign systems, while here everything turns into ruins. A more intelligent policy is needed here, Vitanov said. Krya-krya-krya-ya-ya – cheerfully spitting tripe on the yellow cobblestones, we’re peddlers, hooray! Well, keep at it, you’ll get far.

The war in Ukraine.

What was that, where on the news? Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, but it was a struggle of life and death, but wasn’t our civilization threatened? But how are the bad Russians destroying good Ukraine? You look at Kiev, you also look at Gaza. And you think – European values ​​are a big deal here. A bare hook to catch millions of carp. So I must also take them into service.

Otherwise, we wait. We are waiting for God…., uh, no God, we are waiting for the Big Break. The success of the Great Breakthrough is clearly defined – the capture of Tokmak. We are waiting for the capture of Tokmak – day 41.

What I have been writing to you all the time – the “Cockroach” tactic of the Ukrainian army is stupid and will lead to a shortage of cannon fodder. The Russians shrewdly retreated, started the meat grinders, and here is the result. Let’s quote von Moltke again – when your army leaves, so does your territory. Because you have nothing to protect her with.

We are watching. What happened. The heroic Ukrainian army was about to force the Dnieper past Kherson and surprise the Russians that 3 corps went to Zaporozhye for the Great Onslaught. Nothing, nothing and nothing.

By the way, half a million shells have been diverted to Israel. Critically little support flows through the systems to the patient. In the Avdeev sack, we will increase the number of brigades from 3 to 10. Well, that’s what the Russians are waiting for. 10 meat brigades, the sack will quickly become a cauldron and the cannon meat will begin to boil.

Matte and mascara, what the people say. Elections in Ukraine – yuk! So, it’s a war. It is better to do them now, because when the war is over and Ukraine is left with much less territory and with a destroyed infrastructure, you will not be able to explain to the people why this war is being waged, when you could be whole and with an intact infrastructure.

The European powers will have to explain to their people how they spent hundreds of billions of euros, and as a result the Russian army has moved at least 200 kilometers to the center of Europe. Very interesting explanations will be.

And our vouchers moms? What will they explain to us? Debt, European values, civilizational choice? Whoah, how interesting it will be.

An idea comes to me – after Marx, we can talk about European values, human rights and civilizational choices. From the point of view of bare hooks.

Let’s see in the end what’s up with the corona virus predictions.

Forecast – there will be no overcrowding of hospitals. Validity – already 470 days.

15 months is 457 days. 16 months are 486 days. More than 15 months validity here means. Not bad. It’s not bad at all.

Prediction – there will be no diffuse spread of the virus. Validity – already 572 days. 19 months is 578 days. The counters are spinning.

When the next epidemics come, then you will pull the numbers from these records and compare. And so you will know who is worth how much.

572 days of valid forecast. 18 months, going on month number 19. Damn prediction – still valid.

Well, whoever can, can. Those who can’t – put their beak in the mud and begin to bubble it amateurishly.

The current wave is developing as expected. As you can see, there are still no 5 consecutive days with over 500 registered cases. And it’s already November 8th. What are the expectations?

1. The wool should continue to lie. Who else predicted this to you?

2. You continue to perform well by following basic self-defense measures and this allows the health system to resist and hold back the surge. You see – the cases cannot rise steadily above 500. And time is running out.

3. You know what needs to be done – keep it up until the middle of November, then the wave will not be able to rise until the end of the year and we will have a good Christmas holiday. It’s up to you – you determine the spread rate of the virus. So far you are doing great and the result is there – we have the low tide

4. It is elementary – do not rush where there are many people, away from coughing people if possible. This is if you want the wave to go away and no problems on the New Year holidays. Does basic caution bother you? No. And you go about your business calmly.

5. It is important that by the middle of November the wave has gone steadily down, so that a secondary peak cannot form until the end of the year and you can spend the Christmas and New Year holidays without worries. You are doing great so far. The primary peak has passed, a decline begins. Just be more careful like before. Your attention keeps the propagation factor low and the wave cannot rise.

Yes, it is.

I wish you health and success, and may viruses and war stay away from you,” Prof. Vitanov wrote on his personal Facebook profile.

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2023-11-08 18:05:56
#Prof #Vitanov #sounds #alarm #5million #horde #refugees #coming #rulers #urgently

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