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The election of muftis was a relief for everyone

The Mufti of Tripoli and the North, Sheikh Muhammad Imam, received benefactors for his election in the hall of the Al-Siddiq Mosque in the city of Sir Al-Danniyeh, led by the two deputies, Jihad Al-Samad and Abdulaziz Al-Samad, former MP Ahmed Fatfat, Danniyeh Municipalities Union Head Muhammad Saadia, Danniyeh Municipalities Union Head Tariq Al-Shafshaq, Mayors Association Head Dannieh Ammar Sabra, Mayors, Mayors, Heads of security services, sheikhs, personalities and people’s delegations from all over the region.

The Mufti Imam gave a speech in which he said: “Praise be to God, by whose grace good deeds are done, and we ask God to make what has happened a good deed that reflects good on us, the our brothers, our sect, our religion, our region and our whole country. It goes without saying that what happened was thanks to the efforts of those who with foresight in their hands succeeded in this matter, and it was appropriate place under these circumstances, and the results have been very smooth and an atmosphere of intimacy and love, and the results have been accepted by all with satisfaction and acceptance, and this step is not only at the level of Tripoli and other northern districts that surround it, but in all governorates that was reflected in comfort and reassurance Above all Sunni Muslims and all the other components of Lebanon, and this was expressed by all those who visited Dar Al-Fatw a, congratulating them from all regions, provinces and sects.

He added: “We see Dar al-Fatwa as a sympathetic and enveloping home in which each individual must feel that he belongs to him and that he has it in it as for others, and that it is not for anyone but for everyone on an equal footing. , in order to attract and care for the religious and social affairs of Muslims, as stipulated in the decree regulating the affairs of Muslims”. Dar Al-Fatwa’s Duties As regards religious affairs, it is the first task and from the heart of the Mufti’s work is to sponsor mosques, scholars and students of knowledge, lectures, sermons and lectures, spreading awareness and correct Islamic culture, and that this religion is the religion of goodness, moderation and moderation, and not as they try to portray in images that are far from the religion of Islam And not as they try to portray Tripoli and the North in images that are innocent of it and have no no connection with it, and this is something that we have overlooked and recognized and admitted that this talk they heard and believed before, but now they touch its opposite, and know that it was slander and for various other purposes. And he continued: “No one can escape the truth. Anyone who enters Tripoli finds love, comfort and coexistence, and that everything is normal in the neighborhood, study venues, markets, etc., and that all places of worship are preserved in Tripoli, and nothing has touched them despite the passage of events , streets and neighborhoods.” And the houses are still as they are, which indicates the ancient city, its nature and the nature of its people.”

He said, “Regarding Dar Al-Fatwa’s role in looking after the social affairs entrusted to the Mufti, Dar Al-Fatwa should not be absent from him. This means the Mufti’s interest in the conditions of the people, their needs , their pains, and what is happening in the community in terms of concerns, obsessions and desires One of the essential tasks of Dar Al-Fatwa is to take care of the endowments in collaboration with the Council It is legitimate to mobilize skills and energies to increase endowments in a way that suits them and develop them after the patterns of life, acquisition and investment have changed, seeking the help of specialists. Therefore, Dar Al-Fatwa must open its doors to specialists for these efforts to pour into a context of development and investment that enhances endowment in a way that suits them. Others in the rest of the sects in Lebanon have preceded us in benefiting from real estate and endowment wealth tion within a feasible vision and scientific, correct and transparent rules, because it has become something that cannot be neglected because it improves the social reality of our reality and our sect, and the development of teamwork because it has a positive return .

And he concluded: “Cooperation in righteousness, piety, brotherhood and sympathy are among the foundations of the teachings of our law, because this is the natural position of Muslims, just as altruism is something that transcends all virtues, and these are things that made Muslims go from an ignorant nation behind the backs of nations to masters of nations and shepherds of good on earth, and all this will happen if we decide to cooperate and unite and put things in perspective, and benefit from our energies, skills, experiences, internal and external relationships and invest them within a vision of success. What happened is beautiful and blessed.”

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