Home » today » News » The Elbanowski family, at the request of the Supreme Audit Office, returned the money to the Ministry of Education. It is about over 53 thousand. zoty

The Elbanowski family, at the request of the Supreme Audit Office, returned the money to the Ministry of Education. It is about over 53 thousand. zoty

From information obtained by RMF FM shows that the foundation of Karolina and Tomasz Elbanowski, on the order of the Supreme Audit Office, returned the money to the Ministry of Education. This information was confirmed in an interview with the radio by the foundation’s press office. As communicated, the amount returned to the ministry is exactly PLN 53,693.32 and includes “funds indicated for reimbursement under the Chancellery of the Prime Minister’s control, funds from final verification of payment applications and interest”.

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The Elbanowski family returned the money to the Ministry of Education. Earlier, NIK intervened in the case

The irregularities in the operation of the Elbanowski foundation became famous in June 2019. At that time, the Supreme Audit Office announced that it had detected that the money from the Ministry of Education allocated to the Foundation’s project “Changes in the education system in Poland in response to social expectations and economic changes” was not properly spent.

As indicated by the NIK auditors, the contracts were incorrectly issued. Correct whatnot requests were also missing and some of the fee amounts were wrong. In turn The Ministry of National Education The Supreme Audit Office alleged that it did not sufficiently supervise the project and the foundation itself. Elbanowscy were obliged to return the funds to MEN – but so far they have delayed. According to RMF FM, the translations included, among others argument concerning “lack of appropriate letters from the Ministry of National Education”. Before the interest was charged, it was reported that the Elbanowscy had 27,000 to be returned. PLN.

The Elbanowscy supported the PiS education reform. They run the Parents’ Ombudsman foundation

The Elbanowski couple was active in the media, especially during the PiS education reform. The couple performed together, among others at a press conference with the former minister of education, Anna Zalewska, who announced the resignation from compulsory education for six-year-olds. The Elbanowski family also proved to be conservative people. During the teachers ‘strike, Karolina Elbanowska on the right-wing television wPolsce.pl criticized the Polish Teachers’ Union for protests and for making the children his “hostages”. – It does not make the unions and teachers feel like their parents – she said. In September this year, Wirtualna Polska, referring to the foundation’s financial statements, reported that that the Elbanowscy spend more on their salaries than on supporting their parents.

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