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The EIB makes 200 million available to Walloon companies

Cosucra is the first company to take advantage of this new envelope made available to Wallonia by the European Investment Bank.

Direction the tournaisis and Cosucra company. The meeting is set on the second floor of a building that was once an old farm. From sugar, the company has reoriented itself to definitively quit the historical activity in 2003 and focus on manufacture of ingredients for the food industry. “We transform chicory and peas into vegetable proteins”, summarizes its CEO Jacques Crahay.

“It’s money to stimulate Wallonia.”

Kris Peeters

vice-president of the BIE

The conference, as the officials of the European Investment Bank (EIB) explain, is intended to “shine the spotlight on the significant financial amounts that we make available to Walloon SMEs“. And from which Cosucra is the first to benefit from it with a loan of 5 million. In total, the financial institution is committed to 200 million euros, of which a first tranche of 100 million was released on Friday.” C ‘ is money to stimulate Wallonia “, explains Kris Peeters, a former leading politician in Belgium and now vice-president of the EIB.

For the needs, the EIB will not lend directly to companies but via the Walloon public fund SRIW. Thanks to its triple A, the EIB is committed to ensuring that Walloon companies obtain a reduction of rate of 0.24% for the loans SRIW will grant them.


millions €

The envelope of 200 million made available by the EIB could quadruple if we take into account the equivalent contribution of SRIW and the private sector.

On the Walloon side, we are delighted with this agreement which will allow the Region to inject 800 million in its companies including the leverage effect, and the equivalent contribution of the SRIW and the private sector in the financial arrangements.

From sugar to the veggie burger

At Cosucra, the European loan closes the new investment plan of 45 million euros. “The amounts will be used to increase the production capacity in peas and chicory”, explains the CEO. Part of the capital will also allow the launch of the production of vegetable products such as burgers or minced meat.

“If the business uses less water, its credit will cost it less.”

Xavier Dorchies

Managing Director of Sofiproteol

The financial package, which combines loans from banks, the EIB and a capital increase, has also enabled Cosucra to bring in the French Sofiproteol. Beyond the 5 million brought by this actor from the French agricultural world, the peculiarity, as explained by its managing director Xavier Dorchies, lies in the modulation of rates. “We adjust the rates according to social and environmental criteria of the company such as carbon footprint, water consumption, organization of supply or security. If the business uses less water, its credit will cost it less. ”

A societal commitment that the Liberal Minister of the Economy Willy Borsus wished to salute as part of the recovery plan.

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