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The Egyptian Astronomical Society explains the most prominent astronomical phenomena in the sky of Egypt in August

Engineer Essam Gouda, Executive Director of the Egyptian Astronomical Society, said that today is the fourth day of August and that the moon is in the form of a new moon, which means that the moon revolves around the Earth once a month and during this cycle comes the day when the moon is in the middle between the Earth and the sun, thus marking the beginning of a new Hijri month.

“Issam” said in his interview with the program “8 Al-Subh” on DMC satellite channel today, Sunday, that the crescent of the month of Safar will be examined today, and when the moon will be in the form of the new moon and its presence in the middle between the sun and the earth makes us not see it until it moves a little further from the sun So, the crescent is formed and we see a new Hijri month crescent.

He continued, that today’s astronomical calculations allow us to know the time of conjunction and the presence of the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon on one line, so that ‘ Moon in the middle between the Earth and the Sun, that is. what will happen today at 2:13 pm Egyptian time, explaining that seeing the crescent after sunset means the beginning of a new Hijri month, saying: “Astrologically, the Hijri calendar has another condition derived from Islamic jurisprudence, namely the appearance of the crescent of the month.”“.

The Executive Director of the Egyptian Astronomical Society said that next August 12 one of the most important phenomena that occurs every year will be seen, which is the phenomenon of the “Perseid meteor shower”. in a second or two, and they are rocky masses as big as Pebbles fall to the ground very quickly, and when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they burn and cause the lights we can see quickly..

He revealed details of the presence of a star 50 times the size of the sun, which we can see in the sky of Egypt, saying: “This star is called the star Aldebaran, and it is the most bright in the constellation Al-. Tour. weighs only one and a half times the mass of the sun,” emphasizing that this star is expanded because it is at the end of its life, and we see it with the naked eye as just a dot because i 66 light years away from us, and its color tends to be red because it has lost a lot of energy. .

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