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The Efficacy Of Vitamin D Proven To Prevent Severe Symptoms Of Covid-19, This Study

LENS BANYUMAS – A study uncover the extraordinary the efficacy of vitamin D consumed by humans.

In addition to beneficial for the health of bones and teeth as well as support the immune system, Vitamin D turns out to play a role in preventing severe symptoms of Covid 19.

Thus the results of a study conducted in April 2020 until February 2021 which is then published by the journal PLOS ONE.

This study involves as much is 1176 patients Covid-19 are hospitalized.

The patients involved had previously checking vitamin D levels in the period 14-730 days before their positive Covid-19.

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The Data is then used by the research team for this study.

The results of the study revealed patients who have a deficiency of vitamin D have the possibility to 14 times higher for experiencing Covid-19 heavy.

The comparison, patients with vitamin D levels greater than 40 ng/mL is much better and not experience severe symptoms.

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