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the effects of the health crisis are still being felt

Sales and disposals of businesses increase by 9.6% in 2021 without returning to their pre-crisis level. For the first time, the average transaction amount exceeded the €200,000 mark.


With 27,756 transactions recorded in 2021, takeovers of goodwill started to rise again last year (+ 9.6%), without however returning to their level before the health crisis.

The number of upswings

The number of transactions was 28,291 in 2019 and exceeded 30,000 in previous years. For the cabinet Altars which has just published its annual report on sales and disposals of businesses, “the effects of the health crisis are still being felt”. All sectors are affected by the rebound in transfers with the exception of hotels and restaurants (-6.7%), more specifically table catering (-15.8%) and cafes (-10. 3%).

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The average amount of transactions is increasing

On the price side, the average amount of transactions, which has been increasing steadily for 5 years, crossed the €200,000 mark for the first time (€200,713). It was below €180,000 in 2017. Pharmacies still record the highest average selling price (€1,041,789), although down 9.6% in 2021. On the second step of the podium, we find the supermarkets, with a price close to €500,000, down 5.6%.

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The NetPME team

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