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The effects of Covid: forgotten sick and stillborn babies

A recent study coordinated by Professor Mario De Curtis of the University La Sapienza of Rome, published by Archives Disease in Childhood, analyzed the data referring to stillborn children in the centers of the Lazio Region, registering their increase between March and May in the full pandemic storm. Covid-19 is proving to be an egocentric virus that attracts all health attention with the harmful consequence of neglecting other aspects related to medical assistance.

According to the aforementioned study, Covid, having monopolized health energies, caused one negligent management of residual clinical pictures such as those concerning oncological pathologies, cardiovascular disorders and pregnancy with the effect, in the latter case, of having determined an increase in the mortality of the unborn, tripling the deaths. An omnivorous virus that has advanced in its devouring path, as if it were the re-release of Pac-Man in an evil version that engulfs the lives scattered within the great labyrinth of life.

Covid is turning out to be a cowardly disease which mainly affects the weakest: the elderly and those affected by “comorbidities”, ie the coexistence of several pathologies. If we add the results of the research published by Archives Disease in Childhood, which attests in the period March-May 2020 a three times increase in the number of stillborn children compared to the same period of the previous year, we obtain a compromised picture of general well-being.
The stillborn babies were caused by the way in which the restrictive measures were imposed, caging citizenship in the one-dimensional nature of the emergency, inducing pregnant women to skip check-ups during pregnancy for fear of getting infected.

Victims of the clinical and psychological implications of the virus, elderly and unborn, represent the suggestive combination that testifies to the generational continuity between past, present and future and breaking this legacy is like authorizing a reset, renouncing to cultivate confident expectation, ambition and future-oriented projects.

The red-yellow government in the management of the emergency showed a colossal inadequacy also at the communication level, chanting a terrorist narrative of the virus to make social segregation measures acceptable.

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