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The effect of diabetes on the skin – 6 diseases that it may cause to the skin

06:54 PM

Monday 08 August 2022

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:

The symptoms of diabetes are not limited to frequent urination and constant thirst only, but there are other warning signs that can be inferred from it, some of which appear on the skin.

In the following report, Conselto reviews the effect of diabetes on the skin, according to the Times Of India website.

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The effect of diabetes on the skin

1- bumps on the skin

Diabetes causes bumps to appear on the surface of the skin, particularly in the neck, knees and lower abdomen, usually yellow to brown in color.

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2- Black acanthosis

A skin problem in which a diabetic suffers from darkening of body folds, such as the back of the neck, lower armpits and between the thighs, and the skin becomes thicker.

3- Dry skin

Dry skin is one of the common problems in diabetics, and the reason is due to the lack of interest in drinking water, to replace fluids lost through frequent urination.

Dry skin in diabetics causes pallor of the skin, a feeling of itching, easy wound infection and slow healing.

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4- Peeling of the skin around the eyes

If diabetes is caused by high harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, yellow scaly spots may appear around the eye, which requires the use of moisturizing creams under the supervision of a doctor.

5- slow wound healing

High blood sugar in diabetics leads to poor blood circulation and nerve damage, which causes the wound healing process to take a long time, during which it may develop skin ulcers.

6- pimples

A diabetic may suffer from pus-filled blisters on the hands, feet, and legs, but it is a rare skin symptom, and after it heals, it leaves traces on the skin that look like burns.

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