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The Editorial. In the US, the Biden presidency forced to stand still

The Biden presidency was to reconcile a United States of America fractured by four years of tensions exacerbated by Donald Trump. Eleven months after his installation in the White House, Joe Biden is prevented from acting, not by an impeachment procedure but by the circumstances. And maybe his character. Disillusion points to this president who manages daily life, mainly the Covid-19 crisis, without appearing to have a hold on events, or a vision.

Like his predecessor, Joe Biden had recklessly promised to eradicate the Covid. It is not so. While only 61.9% of the population is fully vaccinated, the USA has a record rate of contamination and a proportionally twice as high mortality as France. The question of a re-containment does not arise, the subject being too politically sensitive for the Democratic president. Joe Biden, however, struggles to hide his failure.

If there were only the Covid, the harm would be less. It is the entire political program on which Joe Biden was elected that risks being shelved. The Democratic president fails to get his social reform plan adopted by the Senate. The missing voice is that of Joe Manchin, also a Democrat, who considers this project of 1,500 billion euros too expensive in times of high inflation. If Joe Biden has not given up convincing his former colleague, the case is badly embarked on. Without this stimulus package, Joe Biden will be reduced to managing current affairs while awaiting the midterm elections in a year.

As if that weren’t enough, Joe Biden struggles to make America’s voice heard on the international stage. China and Russia continue to go it alone, the situation remains bogged down in the Middle East … The world is on the move but the USA, wait-and-see, are spectators.

Under these conditions, Donald Trump can calmly bide his time. Because for the moment, the record of his successor is his best program. For reconciliation, we will still have to wait.

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