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The ECB turns its arsenal into a time machine to make room for the vaccine


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Monetary policy it has more of alchemy than exact science. More if possible in the middle of a pandemic. An uncertain scenario in which the European Central Bank (ECB) has turned its arsenal into a time machine. Instead of boosting your already historic debt purchases, the institution has preferred to buy time for the vaccine against Covid-19 to take effect.

This is the most repeated diagnosis by large investment firms after analyzing every word, comma and period of the statement issued by the ECB to the millimeter on Thursday. A document no big surprises after the notices of a month and a half ago, but that left no room for disappointment. The same as the speech of its president.

The former French minister Christine Lagarde already seems very far from that dialectical setback that in March of this year, at the outbreak of the health crisis in Europe, gave the markets one of the darkest sessions in its history. With a firm tone he recalled once again that the central bank of the Eurozone “Is ready” to come out in defense of the euro “quickly” and “effectively”.

Generous extensions

Some statements that go perfectly with the long extension periods that the ECB has set in its “recalibration” of stimuli. While adjusted volumes and tools entered the experts’ pools, the schedule has been more generous than expected.

It is also true that macroeconomic forecasts of the agency, weaker than in its previous edition, required it, as Ulrike Kastens, economist for Europe at DWS, the manager of the Deutsche Bank group, points out. However, the bulk of the market’s strong hands highlight that the goal has been to get ahead of time.

Monument to the euro in the former headquarters of the ECB in Frankfurt.

ING’s global head of macroeconomics, Carsten Brzeski, is clear on this. What Lagarde has done with her team has been “Bridge in time for herd immunity”, he assures in his analysis. In addition, he adds that the institution “has not presented a great new bazooka, but a well-designed extension of all known instruments.”

With the hope that in the spring of 2022, group immunity thanks to the vaccination of the population will be a reality. A kind of guarantee in the time collected in the same ECB statement which, according to Samy Chaar, Lombard Odier’s chief economist, also has the role of “Limit” from now on “the economic damage of the second wave” in which the Eurozone is immersed.

Loss of impact

Buy time instead of more bonuses. That’s the idea that Andrew Mulliner, manager of Janus Henderson’s fixed income team, insists on. He considers that once “the massive wave of monetary and fiscal stimuli” of the peak of the outbreak of the pandemic is overcome, “the figures begin to lose their impact.” Instead, he notes the announced extensions have already started to do their job.

In a session where several sovereign bonds were preparing to enter in a block in negative interest territory, including the Spanish, Mulliner emphasizes that “the markets absorbed the news well and the bonds returned part of their gains.” In summary, he assures that although “the lack of an enthusiastic response from the markets is a bit disappointing, lack of volatility indicates that the ECB’s credibility is intact”.

Slow down the pace

From Western Asset, the firm specializing in public debt of the US manager Franklin Templeton, analyst Andreas Billmeier, points out that Lagarde’s ECB has managed to “transfer the image of a central bank that seeks to reduce uncertainty for the private sector [mientras] clearly indicates your willingness to slow down your purchases”.

A third change that is not just by conviction, much less as a pilot test. The latest operational data from the ECB had already been pointing to him. Some more leisurely shopping in the secondary market with rates and risk premiums at bay and some TLTRO III auctions that made it clear that the need for liquidity is getting smaller in the market as the -still fragile- economic recovery progresses.

And even more than that, Annalisa Piazza, fixed income analyst at MFS Investment Management, points out that with a term extension “a little longer than expected”, the ECB also manages to buy time to “act as a ‘bridge’ with which to smooth the return to normality of the economy while maintaining the current favorable financing conditions ”.

European funds

A transition in which activation of economic reconstruction mechanisms They must also play the key role that Lagarde and his team have been demanding from the euro countries for months.

In this sense, Azad Zangana, senior economist for Europe at Britain’s Schroders, notes that “it seems that the ECB does not want its stimulus to lose steam before EU governments have had a chance to make use of the EU recovery fund ”, which finally saw the light also this Thursday after some bitter negotiations with Hungary and Poland.

Now it remains that the community and each State bureaucracy don’t become an obstacle or a client network that hinders the good use and use of these funds. Thus, the time bought by the ECB will take effect. Counting on the period that has been given for the reinvestment of maturities, up to three more years from now, on the ninth anniversary of the introduction to your toolbox of liquidity auctions to which the contract has also been renewed.

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