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The easing of housing loan supervision measures worries industry experts

Home loan control measures have been relaxed in order to boost sales and revive the housing industry. Good news for the real estate sector, but which, according to professionals in the sector, exposes borrowers to over-indebtedness. This risk is all the more increased in this period of economic uncertainty when we expect a wave of layoffs.

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) has just published the results of a study on the housing situation in France at the beginning of 2020. This survey is controversial because of the latest decisions government authorities regarding housing. According to professionals in the sector, these risks penalizing individuals and do not go in the direction of environmental objectives.

Indeed, as relayed by many home insurance sites, some measures related to the conditions for granting a loan for the purchase of a home have undergone updates, which more is the environmental activists deplore the lack of reforms concerning “thermal strainers”.

Boost real estate even if it means exposing borrowers

ImportantThe INSEE study reveals that 58% of households today own their main residence, real estate that they have been able to acquire thanks to a loan.

To obtain this loan, these households had to provide certain guarantees to the banks, which the State took care to supervise in order to protect them. Indeed, to stem the risk of over-indebtedness, the government has capped the repayment period of a mortgage at 25 years and its transferable portion at 33% of the monthly salary.

But as a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic, these measures have been relaxed to help revitalize the construction industry, heavily impacted by the health crisis. So, the moratorium has been extended to 27 years, while the rate of salary allocated to reimbursement is raised to 35%. The government hopes to boost sales and revive the real estate sector.

ImportantObservers nevertheless retort that this reduction in measures risks exposing first-time buyers to greater financial fragility, whereas this is supposed to be the very objective of this framework.

These detractors add that this reform is all the more reckless in these times of economic uncertainty. Indeed, the job market is in the grip of great instability. However, even if borrowers lose their jobs, they are obligated to pay off their loans.

No measures to reduce CO2 emissions

In 2019, 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide were emitted in France, which is a record according to the United Nations report. Environmental activists thus expected the government to initiate reforms.

To try to find solutions, a meeting was organized on December 14 between Emmanuel Macron and the members of the Citizen’s Convention for the Climate. But the debates seem to have been fruitless since an agreement has not been reached, in particular with regard to the measures to be imposed to reduce the number of thermal strainers in France, which are one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases.

ImportantNote that these homes account for 4.8 million out of the 36 million homes registered in mainland France, or 13.33% of them.

No measures to reduce this astronomical figure have yet been announced, yet the situation promises to be all the more urgent, because these thermal strainers are just one of the many problems to be solved in order to reduce gas emissions. carbon dioxide in France.

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