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The Earth’s pole shift is imminent and could have catastrophic consequences

More and more scientists believe that we are on the verge of a reversal of the North and South Poles: the Earth’s magnetic field is changing spectacularly, and this process can not only affect wildlife but also have a significant impact on human technological development, according to the article. appeared on the astronomical portal Astronomy.com.

Quite a bizarre thing happens to the Earth’s magnetic field; over the past two hundred years, it has been spectacularly weakening, and the magnetic North Pole (which should not be confused with the geographic North Pole) is gradually shifting from the Canadian Arctic to Siberia. This shift has accelerated considerably in recent decades, reaching speeds of up to 48 kilometers a year. So the question arises, can the magnetic north and south poles be reversed as a result of the phenomenon?

The magnetic field of our planet is maintained by the flow of molten, liquid iron core at a depth of 2,896 kilometers below the surface. This superheated liquid generates an electric current that creates an electromagnetic field. Exactly what causes the pole change is not known, but computer simulations examining planetary dynamics have shown that the process takes place spontaneously. A similar can be observed at the Sun, whose magnetic field reverses every 11 years.

The Earth’s magnetic field came into being roughly 4 billion years ago, and since then the North and South Poles have changed several times.

In the last 2.6 billion years, the magnetic field has reversed ten times – since the last such event occurred 780,000 years ago, experts say we can expect another pole change.

Earth’s magnetic field (illustration)Source: Afp

Mapping the magnetic field

As the hot, molten rock material cools, the iron in it becomes magnetic again, adapting to the magnetic field. By studying these volcanic rocks, the researchers were able to map in more detail the behavior of the ancient magnetic field, including its weakening, amplification, and pole changes.

However, certain archaeological finds provide a more accurate picture of recent changes in magnetism; when our ancestors heated an iron stove or oven to the proper temperature, its magnetism was coordinated with the Earth’s magnetic field during cooling.

The point at which this happens is christened a Curie point by science.

Even the remains of the floor of the Iron Age Jerusalem edifice scorched by the Babylonian occupiers in 586 BC were included in the studies.

As the hot, molten rock cools, the iron in it becomes magnetic again, adapting to the magnetic fieldSource: AFP / Sutanta Aditya

At the same time, it is extremely difficult to examine ancient devices, and this is mainly due to the fact that their magnetism has weakened greatly over the past millennia – to such an extent that they can no longer move the compass pointer.

Complicating the situation further is that if an ferrous object was heated and cooled more than once, several different magnetic patterns could overlap.

Last but not least, only objects that have not been moved from the place of heating and cooling can be considered reliable.

Despite the difficulties, researchers have been able to better understand recent changes in the magnetic field in the depths of Western Europe and the Middle East.

What can the exchange of the North and South Poles entail?

Scientists cannot answer this question even by examining previous finds, but there are theories, and these unfortunately do not hold much promise.

The living world would most certainly suffer the change, as many animal species use the magnetic field for orientation with their sophisticated senses. One such species is the pseudo-tortoise, whose young specimens travel a staggering more than 14,000 kilometers: following the warm sea currents of the North Atlantic, heading east from Florida, then heading south off the coasts of Europe, and finally north and south Africa. -They cross the ocean again between America and return to Florida, considered northwest. Sensing the strength and direction of the magnetic field is essential for their orientation.

Newborn pseudo turtleForrás: Backlight via AFP / Eliano Imperato / Eliano Imperato

The magnetic field also serves as a kind of protective shield, protecting the Earth from the harmful effects of charged particles from the Sun and cosmic rays from the depths of space.

As the pole change is accompanied by a weakening of the magnetic field, the efficiency of the shield will also decrease.

Although experts in recent years have found links between pole shifts and mass extinctions, it is unlikely that such an event would endanger humanity for the time being, but it would certainly have a significant impact on our technology.

The magnetic field protects the Earth from strong solar flaresSource: Afp

Crosshairs of the satellites

Today, artificial satellites are essential in many areas of life; we use them for navigation, television broadcasts, weather forecasting, communication, environmental monitoring. Without the protection of the magnetic field, the operation of satellites would be severely disturbed by cosmic rays and solar flares.

What is expected is well illustrated by the so-called South Atlantic Anomaly observed in the South Atlantic.

It is a large-scale “patch” that stretches from Chile all the way to Zimbabwe. The magnetic field in this vast part of the Earth is particularly weak, so much so that it is already interfering with satellites straying here.

Without the protection of the magnetic field, the operation of satellites would be severely disturbed by cosmic rays and solar flares.Source: Afp

Can a lost celestial body be responsible for the pole change?

According to several recent research, it is likely that changes in the magnetic field may be caused by the remnants of a dwarf planet that once crashed into young Earth; according to the theory, Theia could have collided with our planet 4.5 billion years ago, and our celestial companion, the Moon, was formed from flying debris.

If the cosmic crash has taken place, the remnants of Theia will have to hide deep in the Earth. A few years ago, a group of researchers discovered two huge layers of rock below the surface, each one million times larger than Mount Everest, and denser as well as hotter than the rest of the mantle. Experts say the two rock layers are remnants of Theia and are likely to interfere with the flow of molten iron core – weakening the magnetic field in the southern Atlantic.

Illustration of Theia’s crashSource: NASA

A lot depends on how fast the pole change will take place, if it is slow, it will be easier for the animal kingdom to adapt, and we will also have time to adapt our technology to the expected changes.


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