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The Earth’s Core: Definition and Characteristics Page all

KOMPAS.comEarth’s core is the center of Planet Earth which is very hot and very dense.

With very hot temperatures, Earth’s core is the Earth’s crust which has the highest temperature.

Planet Earth is older than the Earth’s core. When the Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth’s core was a ball of hot rock.

Radioactive decay and residual heat from the planet’s formation (impact, accretion, and compression of space rock) causes the sphere to heat up even more.

Characteristics of the Earth’s core

Reported from National Geographic, The following are the characteristics of the Earth’s core:

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1. Earth’s Core is about 2,900 kilometers below the earth’s surface and has a radius of about 3,485 kilometers (2,165 miles).

2. The core of the Earth is a very dense sphere.

3. The Earth’s core is located below the Earth’s crust and mantle.

4. The main contributors to heat in the Earth’s core are the decay of radioactive elements, residual heat from planet formation, and the heat released when the molten outer core freezes.

5. The Earth’s core is made almost entirely of metal, particularly iron and nickel.

6. Another key element in the Earth’s core is sulfur. About 90% of the sulfur on Earth is found in the Earth’s core.

7. Temperature fluctuations in the Earth’s core depend on pressure, Earth’s rotation, and the composition of the various elements of the core.

8. The temperature of the Earth’s core, in general, ranges from about 4,400 degrees Celsius to about 6,000 ° Celsius.

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Earth’s core

The Earth’s core consists of two layers, namely the outer core, which borders the Earth’s mantle, and the inner core.

outer core

Earth’s outer core is about 2,200 kilometers thick, consisting mostly of liquid iron and nickel.

The outer core is very hot, the temperature is between 4,500 degrees Celsius to 5,500 degrees Celsius.

The outer core molten metal has a very low viscosity, which means it is easily deformed and malleable.

inner core

The Earth’s inner core is a hot, solid ball of iron. The core in nature has a radius of about 1,220 kilometers.

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The temperature in the inner core is about 5,200 degrees Celsius with a pressure of nearly 3.6 million atmospheres (atm).

The temperature of the inner core is well above the melting point of iron. However, unlike the outer core, the inner core is not liquid.

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