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The Dual Birthdays of Isabel Allende: A Tale of Life and Creativity

Dr.. Hassan cities

It happens that there are conflicting accounts about the date of birth of people from previous generations, famous among them in particular, because their biographies are the focus of attention, due to the lack of birth certificates at the time, and the phenomenon expands as we go into the past, but for our contemporary, the famous Chilean writer Isabel Allende, her story with the date of birth Another different aspect, according to her biography, she was born on the second of August 1942, as her eighty-first birthday passed two days ago, and there is no debate or conflict in the accounts about the validity of this date.

There is another “date of birth” related to the biography of the author of “The House of Spirits”, “Beyond Winter”, “The Daughter of Fortune”, and other novels, and the permanent candidate also for the “Nobel” for Literature, whose literature has been translated into several languages, including Arabic, which we read She has, through her, many novels of hers, and she is one of the most beautiful and sweetest Latin American writers whose works we know about translation.

Her biography also informs us that she did not start writing the novel until after she reached the age of forty, and it may be what we aspire to here to say that the date of her second birthday is associated with the date of the start of writing, after she had passed four decades of her life, because the conversation will revolve around the day she chose from The year to start writing a new work for her, which she herself confirmed when she started writing her new novel. As for the approved date, it is January 8, when she said: “As I always used to, I started writing my novel Violetta on this date, which is a tradition. I adopted it forty years ago, so as soon as January 8th arrives, I start writing my new work.” Before adding: “I always do that. I move between the kitchen, the street and the rooms of my house while I am thinking about the novel I am working on, but the start date for writing is fixed: January 8.

Choosing this particular time is a story that dates back to the start of writing her first novel, “The House of Spirits,” which was originally nothing but the idea of ​​a letter, just a letter, that she wanted to write to her grandfather in 1981, and at that time she was staying in Venezuela until she received sad news that the beloved grandfather was dying. She began writing a letter to him on the eighth of January of that year, but the letter took too long and turned into a novel, and she had the feeling that this particular date gave her a sense of purpose and motivation, and she saw it as a lucky day for her, so we were faced with two birthdays. Allende, we do not know if it is correct to say that one of them is her physiological date of birth, and the second is her creative date of birth.


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