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The drug-trafficking business – LA NACION

Drug trafficking must be fought in coordination from different fronts; there is no other way to achieve chances of success. In recent years, our society has been witnessing governmental anomie in a very dangerous terrain. The direction has been lost and organized crime continues to feed on complicity at all levels of political management.

The millionaire resources generated by the sale of drugs drain towards countless illegal activities, far from any possible record. We are facing a growing flow of money that in turn feeds the criminal machine.

President Alberto Fernandez announced the modification of the decree that regulates the law of creation of the Financial Information Unit (FIU) to allow the creation of delegations in the interior of the country and the opening of a local office in the punished Rosario.

The governor’s request Omar Perotti, of the same political color as the national administration, thus found an echo, as if the new measure alone could stop the brutal killing of innocents. Among the “forceful decisions” that the President also announced, awaits Limiting the use of cell phones in prisons that has allowed drug traffickers to continue managing crime behind bars.

Last Thursday, the Chamber of Deputies approved and sent to the Senate the reform of the anti-laundering law, with the general rejection of a good part of Together for Change for understanding that the ruling party does not want the autonomy and independence of the Financial Information Unit (UIF) with respect to political power.

Was Mariano Federiciat the head of the UIF during the Cambiemos government, responsible for opening the first two regional offices of the agency in key locations such as Salta y inns. “It is essential that organizations of this type are close to their sources and the threats they have to deal with,” he said after noting that the FIU today abandoned the fight against corruption, the main catalyst for drug trafficking, and that this has inevitably contributed to creating incentives for criminality to flourish.

Last year closed with 288 homicides in Rosario and there are already 90 murders so far in 2023mostly ordered from prisons and through hitmen who receive their pay mostly in cash.

Citizen demands in the face of the growth of insecurity that extends to many other urban centers in the country have led the authorities to focus on a crucial aspect such as the financial-patrimonial aspect. But this is only an appendix. Without a coherent strategy that directs all the effort towards clear objectives, these types of isolated measures are shameful slaps. On the other hand, how not to throw off additional suspicions when we are going through the end of a government cycle whose record inevitably leads us to think that the creation of dependencies such as the one mentioned may be far from combating the scourge and close to the interest in speeding up the location of more friends in office

Every minute counts. We cannot continue delaying the design and implementation of a comprehensive policy to clearly combat drug trafficking, led by experts, that combines economic-financial monitoring efforts with criminal intelligence.

The state structure, as robust as it is expensive, has a ministry for women, but lacks a specialized unit for drug control such as the DEA North American. There is much to be done if we do not want the cartels to continue taking over our territory and our future, in collusion with officials, security forces and judicial links. The seriousness of the situation makes it necessary to put aside political chicanes and petty confrontations. Also in this, Argentines must stand behind consensual decisions that prioritize the common good.


Conocé The Trust Project

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