Saturday, February 25, 2023, 04:25
17599 readings
The car parked between two seat locking systems PHOTO Facebook/ You parked like an ox
Drivers who park illegally are frequently caught in photos or videos made public online.
Images of cars stalling TRAFFICKING trams or access to a parking lot arouse indignation.
The solutions found by some are out of the ordinary and go viral. It is the case of a driver who managed to leave the car between two marked and blocked seats with systems that prevent the seats from being occupied.
The photo was published on Facebookbut the author of the post did not specify either the date or the place where it was made.
It is not clear whether the car was parked before or after the systems of lock were raised.
It is possible that the picture was taken specifically to go viral, however those who commented did not suspect that and had fun at the driver’s expense.
“Parking lot of the year”, says the text accompanying the picture on the group You parked like an oxfrom Facebook.
“Great man, he’s doing well in life”
“That’s not possible.”
“At least he parked straight.”
“That’s what these blockers deserve.”
“Nice thought! And succeeded!”
“Great, man, he’s doing well in life”
“God, something like this can’t happen anymore, now for real, let’s park the car buildingsif possible, very crazy, I hope the driver of this luxury car will see this post and learn to park properly next time.”
“That if it wasn’t fancy it wasn’t the problem, right?”
“A stop must be put between CAR PARKSnow”
“He parked very well, that’s how everyone who doesn’t have parking spaces should park.”
“Parked a car for 2-3 days in front of him and calmed him down.”
“You are not allowed to do that, even if it took your parking space(s).”
“That’s why they’re painted yellow, to fit in correct between them.”
“I would go and get a fixed pole and set it up in front of him.”
“These people from Mercedes that they make cars with cameras all around and give them to precise drivers.”
“Come on, this one gave them ideas, we need to put a stop between the parking lots now”.