The dream medicine.. finally whatever you want and don’t care about weight!
Essay on healthy life (iStock)
Dubai – Al
Posted on: August 09, 2023: 07:58 AM GST Last updated: August 09, 2023: 08:26 AM GST
It must be the study of dreams that millions of people around the world are waiting to verify.
A scientific team at the American University of Texas has developed a drug that keeps people skinny, regardless of how much food, fast food, or calories they gain.
As for the details…
This result came after scientists gave mice in the laboratory the drug and then let them feed on a strange high-calorie diet, and found that they became skinny despite eating more calories than they burned, unlike mice that ate the same high-calorie diet, and were not given the drug. And saw an increase in body fat.
As well as losing weight, the mice given the drug had lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels than those on a typical rat diet.
Accordingly, they indicated that things would not stop there, but rather expected that the new drug would increase the metabolism process in the body, and make it more efficient in breaking down sugar and fats, according to the scientific journal “Cell”.
Details also reported that the drug called “CPACC” achieves this difficult equation by restricting the transfer of magnesium to the mitochondria, which is the part of the cell responsible for energy production and burning calories.
While its effectiveness comes by deleting a specific gene called “MRS2”, which boosts magnesium in the mitochondria, and by shutting down this gene, it reduces the amount of the mineral that enters the cell, thus boosting metabolism.
Say goodbye to the consequences of a bad diet
It is noteworthy that the scientific team, when requesting a patent for the “CPACC” drug, was hoping that experiments would be conducted on humans in the coming years, with the aim of formulating a copy of it that is suitable for them, and not for mice, especially since the University of Texas scientists strongly claim that the “CPACC” drug also protects From all the health consequences of a bad diet, such as heart attack, stroke, and liver cancer.
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2023-08-09 03:58:00
#dream #medicine. #finally #dont #care #weight