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The draft law in the Federal Council aims to secure investments in all-day places

The Ministry of Schools and Education informs:

On tomorrow, Friday, November 26th, North Rhine-Westphalia will introduce a bill to the Federal Council to secure municipal investments in the expansion of all-day places at primary schools. School and Education Minister Yvonne Gebauer explained: “The legal right to all day from 2026 is right and important for our children and their parents. It is also correct and important that, after lengthy negotiations, the federal government has realized that it must reliably participate in the necessary investments. With our application we want to ensure that the money arrives where it is urgently needed for the expansion of all-day places. Every euro that we invest in the full day pays off for all of us in many ways. With good all-day educational opportunities, we improve educational opportunities, especially for children from socially disadvantaged families. At the same time, we give parents the opportunity to combine family and work with one another in the best possible way through the all-day offer. “

With the draft law that North Rhine-Westphalia will bring to the Bundesrat together with Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, the municipalities are to be given more time to call up federal funds for the expansion of all-day places at primary schools. Background: In December 2020, through the All-Day Financing Act, the federal government provided the federal states with a first tranche of funds totaling 750 million euros in order to accelerate the expansion of all-day places. Of these so-called acceleration funds, 158.15 million euros are allocated to North Rhine-Westphalia. As things stand at present, the municipalities only have until the end of the year to spend these federal funds. Due, among other things, to the strained market situation in the construction sector across Germany and in view of the flood damage that has yet to be repaired in parts of North Rhine-Westphalia, the (re) building measures required for the additional full-day places cannot be completed in many municipalities before the expiry of the deadline that has previously been in force. It should therefore be extended by one year until December 31, 2022, according to the will of the federal states involved in the draft law. If the Federal Council approves this proposal, which also takes into account the wishes of many municipal school authorities, the approval of the German Bundestag is then required.

For citizen inquiries, please contact: Telephone 0211 5867-40.

For journalistic inquiries, please contact the press office of the Ministry of Schools and Education, telephone 0211 5867-3505.

This press release is also available at www.land.nrw

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