Home » today » World » The DPRK tells South Korea: We will return the body of the shot official to you, we just have to find him

The DPRK tells South Korea: We will return the body of the shot official to you, we just have to find him

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un apologized to South Korea for the incident on Friday. Such a gesture is something quite exceptional on the part of the DPRK leader, the news agencies noted.

DPRK troops against South Korea intervened earlier this week, reportedly in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. According to the South Korean official, the official checked the possible unauthorized fishing in the area of ​​the sea border between the two countries off the South Korean island of Jonpchjong. The South Korean military said the North Koreans shot the man, flammable his body and set him on fire.

The official North Korean news agency KCNA called it “a terrible case that should not have happened” on Sunday. She also said that the North Korean authorities are considering ways to hand over the body to South Korea if it is found.

At the same time, however, the KCNA warned the South Korean navy not to cross the border between the two countries. We call on the South to immediately stop its penetration across the Line of Demarcation at sea off the west coast. Such actions could lead to escalating tensions, KCNA said in a report.

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