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The downed Garmen helicopter hit a tree

The helicopter that fell near the village of Garmen on Friday most likely hit a tree before gaining height. This was stated by the director of the national board for the investigation of air, sea and railway accidents Hristo Hristov.

According to him, it is possible that the pilot who died was temporarily disoriented due to the fog. This is how the impact occurred while he was trying to move away from the area with poor visibility.

We saw pieces of sheet metal shredded into small pieces. The situation in which the collapse occurred is very steep – with a 60 degree slope. The helicopter approached, but the side mist system got stuck in a tall pine tree. As a result, the helicopter crashed nose down“, stated Hristov.

The inspection of the scene continues at the moment.

The helicopter was spraying against pests on the pine forests. According to the plan, the machine was supposed to return to the Plovdiv village of Tsalapitsa on Friday. It is owned by a private company and was leased by the forestry company.

According to Hristov, this investigation could last up to a year. However, it is possible that the deadline will be extended.

On Friday, the machine was discovered in the ravine of the Kanina river, 1.5 kilometers from the village of Garmen.

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