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The Double Standards of Climate Terrorism and the Legal System: A Call for Justice.

Dear Dilan,

As a Member of Parliament of the VVD, for example, you are one of the enthusiastic signatories of the Climate Agreement.

(“Affordable and manageable” in your pants :-)).

For example, as the Minister of Justice and Security, you are responsible for detecting and combating criminal offenses.

Well, you are someone who is not only known as a cockerel.

We also know you as the prototype of the political chameleon. You just as easily adhered to the principles of the SP, the PvdA, the GroenLinks and those of the VVD in your pursuit of a political career.

So you would expect that, now that you no longer earn your money from climate activism, but from investigating and combating criminal offenses, you would also go through this role reversal without any problems.



When climate terrorists and hired celebrities blocked a highway in The Hague for the umpteenth time yesterday, you had a video distributed in which the press officer explained why most of the more than 1500 boys and girls arrested did not even receive an official report.

This press officer said in that video that the judge would not impose a sentence on these climate terrorists.


“After all, they had only blocked a highway.”

Before your time (under CDA minister Ferd Grapperhaus) people who “only blocked the highway” were still prosecuted and convicted.

What is the difference with those people?


Those climate terrorists of Extinction Rebellion are convinced that by blocking that highway they protect our children and grandchildren.

Those Frisians of Jenny Douwes were convinced that by blocking that highway they were protecting our children and grandchildren.

Same difference.


Since we have a minister at Justice and Security who was a climate activist himself as a Member of Parliament, double standards have clearly been applied.

You know what’s even worse?

That the climate terrorists understand our legal system.

For example, the actor Sieger Sloot proudly tweeted the following:

Anger on social media, of course.

“Tackling that scum really hard”, many people thought (saying is a link, nowadays).

The fact that the Public Prosecution Service decides not to even record the data of those climate terrorists is one thing.

But if the prosecutors also board the buses that take those criminals away to thank them extensively for committing their crimes, then we are really talking about the other extreme.

Where does such a thing stop?

When they left the bus, did they all get a high five from the public prosecutor and an envelope with the contents of the Postcode Lottery?


Well, it was a bit different than Sieger Sloot told.

Your representative who came to thank those climate terrorists was not a prosecutor, but an assistant prosecutor.

For an egg like Sieger Sloot, that might not make a difference (which was useful for climate propaganda), but you and I know better.

An assistant public prosecutor is simply a police officer who, unlike a real public prosecutor, does not need to have completed a law degree, but only MBO-4.

That makes it even worse.

The judiciary will not hand out penalties for blocking highways by climate terrorists (source: your press officer).

The Public Prosecution Service does not prosecute climate terrorists who block highways (source: your press officer).


The police compliments and thanks climate terrorists who block highways (source: actor Sieger Sloot and various other climate terrorists).

In other words: since you are the boss at the Ministry of Justice and Security, blocking highways no longer leads to an official report, prosecution, conviction and a criminal record.

I hear the blocking friezes say: “This does not smell like legal inequality, this is legal inequality.”

In good Dutch: this place stinks.

And it is also so incredibly stupid of you to allow the entire legal chain to show its color in this way and thereby give free rein to all other demonstrations in the future.


Because any organization that is still going to demonstrate obediently on the Malieveld or another place designated by the mayor where it has no impact whatsoever is crazy.

I can already see the assistant public prosecutor boarding the bus with the fifteen Pegida elderly who have blocked the A2 in Amsterdam because they fear for the future of their children and grandchildren due to the arrival of more and more economic fortune seekers…

And that the press officer then distributes a video in which he explains that the judges are not going to convict Edwin Wagensveld and his companions after all, so that they have been sent away again without even writing down their names…

There is only one difference.

Those Pegida folks aren’t going to bite a cop.

That did those sweet, sweet climate terrorists of yours yesterday did.



PS. Gift! For your husband. Can he think of youn when you are away from home.

Disclaimer: The ‘Letter from Jan’ and the ’99 words’ can be read for free. You can donate via Backme. Thank you!

2023-05-28 05:51:47

#Letter #Jan #Dilan #Yesilgöz

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