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The door is closed for Mignoni

While the name of Pierre Mignoni returns to the side of Montpellier, the president of LOU Yann Roubert said that it was not possible to see his coach leave before the expiry of his contract and even intends to convince him to extend.

Yann Roubert brushes aside the rumors with the back of his hand. Under contract with Lyon until the end of the 2022-2023 season, Pierre Mignoni attracts envy, especially on the Hérault side. While the arrival of Franck Azéma could never be finalized, the former Clermont coach then rebounding in Toulon to replace Patrice Collazo, Mohed Altrad seeks to review the Montpellier staff for the post-Philippe Saint-André . And one of the names that comes up most often on the side of the GGL Stadium is that of Pierre Mignoni. However, recently interviewed by the magazine Olympic noon, LOU president Yann Roubert assured that it was out of the question to see the former international scrum half packing his bags before his contract expires in 18 months. ” The door is double-locked and there is no reason to open it, declared the boss of the Rhone club. It is out of the question to let Pierre Mignoni go, who is at the center of our project. »

Roubert intends to convince Mignoni to extend

Faced with the rumors about Pierre Mignoni and Montpellier, Yann Roubert assures us that ” if there are any rumors, they are completely false and unfounded “. For the boss of the Lyon club, “the future of LOU is with Pierre Mignoni, since Pierre is under contract with us until at least 2023″. But, as for the future after the 2022-2023 season, Yann Roubert intends to continue building with the one who has been at the head of the team since 2015 and his departure from Toulon, where he was in charge of the rear. . ” If he believes that our club can continue to progress with him and vice versa, I hope that he will be even beyond, adds the president of LOU. We discuss this subject, but we will not let our timing dictate by agents who are in a little too much of a hurry.. »A firm and definitive warning to all those who would like to make Pierre Mignoni a cornerstone of their future project … especially in Hérault.

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