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The dollar will rise when stocks fall

Lion Fat: Cfnc (17:55), Hello, charming grandpa.

Lion Fat: Observational analysts!
Found the same relationship!

Forex Guru: Do you remember Nazarbayev’s grandson wrote nasty things about his grandfather? He died of an overdose suddenly. https://mediazona.ca/news/2020/12/04/aisultan-nazarbayev

AChif: Eugene good evening.
I would like to know your opinion on C&P at this time interval.
I keep small sales.

AChif: Eugene good evening.
I would like to know your opinion on C&P at this time interval.
I keep small sales.

bond: Once again – for an encore)

zowik: achif is growing, yusdchif is falling

AChif: 18:18 zowik (18:18),)))

AChif: Frank would have liked to have a free ten on his account in Geneva.

zowik: Pax still does not stabilize ..

marker: “Experts believe that this inverse correlation has reached its maximum” exactly, and soon there will be an ugly)

The sea: Joni has to be asked three times)

Cfnc: marker (18:22), soooo, continue, continue)

GAle: You …
You reach up to heaven
You …
Suddenly you hear voices:
“Be patient a little more,
We will show you the Way “

marker: Forex Guru (18:14), weird

bond: And maybe by 1.2090 + -.

bond: Or maybe 1.2090 + -.

Cfnc: hikot (18:31), try the third

marker: Cfnc (18:24), what?))

Kabbalist: marker (18:27), What’s strange? The addict eats drugs, and died of an overdose – what’s the matter with that? Every day thousands of junkies die like flies – and Nazarbay’s grandson is strange. Well the scribe is a logic.

bond: Here he is outlined sideways.
Even earlier than next week.
All the better.

Lion Fat: AChif (18:14), Hi.
According to my estimates, his target is about 3705.
Perhaps a little higher.

non-farm: hamsters recalled to barracks)

non-farm: GAle (18:25), distracted during the day. did not answer. soryan)

muesli: Lion Fat good evening

Jannbel: dudes from the Ministry of Finance, breaking agreements on double taxation, are sawing OFZ bitches …

Jannbel: Lion Fat (18:59), hello !!!

Jannbel: Dude apparently got into the LGBT quota analysts …

Lion Fat: musli (19:08), Hello, my dear friend Kolya.
I am very glad to see you.
As always…

Jannbel: Lion Fat (18:59), Yanych by the way, abstractly what event can take a ruble by 79?

Lion Fat: Jannbel (19:11), hello !!!

Jannbel: musli (19:08), healthy … Nikolay we don’t have potatoes this year … all Chinese is not possible …

Lion Fat: Jannbel (19:14), Without any events, Vanya.
When the markets flood, it will be blown over 100.

Lion Fat: And the markets will pour out ninach.
No events.

Jannbel: Lion Fat (19:14), really glad to see, otherwise some people began to say that you drove into the pole.

Lion Fat: Kabbalist (18:39), Hello, parhata muzzle.
Buy a yacht.

Jannbel: Lion Fat (19:15), I have something else … when the queen of england dies … scored at 21 12

marker: Kabbalist (18:39), he is like bae not a simple addict

Lion Fat: Jannbel (19:16), So it was Vanya.
I drove into the post.
The pillar is pestets …

Jannbel: Lion Fat (19:15), ATP by the way for the answer …

Jannbel: Lion Fat (19:17), хм…

Jannbel: Scribe … the privatization of Bashkir soda was canceled by the court …

Lion Fat: Lion Fat (19:17) It was August 25, 1993.
It was Monday.
I was driving along the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway near the village of Buzaevo in a black Mercedes 300E, license plate 29-20 MEA towards Moscow.
To say that I didn’t knit a bast is to say nothing about my condition.
And then a post came across my way.
The pillar is pestets.
Mersu too.
Have a drink …

Jannbel: Due to what the inflation in Russia has accelerated so much … when the income falls by 4.9 by the year of the year … the Central Bank is twisting with a stat.

Jannbel: Lion Fat (19:22), near Rzhev in 1997 I tasted the same … only the post passed by …

muesli: Jannbel Well, I have not sold a bag in life, I distribute everything that I grow to children’s homes and children with many children. In Moscow, an eco-potato costs in the Azbuka Vkusa, in principle, 100 rubles a kilo. I don’t know where it is grown. I think it’s not really eco, since I have grown eco-potatoes a hectare and e * zero how it is relatively expensive. One collection of Colorada larvae by hand for 80 with watering with ammonia mixed with vinegar is worth something. Instead of nitrate manure, it is necessary to plant white mustard and other sederates. Xs. I think that China is that Egypt that Roskolkhozes one hell is poison. Would buy a gardener from some pensioner, he will sprinkle it with bark, or even will not water it at all. Stores sell poisonous poison instead of potatoes.

Jannbel: musli (19:26), it is generally not possible to eat kartochu …

Schar: There is no overdose. A light version of the Novice – Parity cocktail ..

Kabbalist: Lion Fat (19:22), Next on your way will be the bridge. I do magic.

Jannbel: Schar (19:28), if you’re talking about the grandson of Nazarbayev, then it’s cool on his part to accuse his grandfather of having intercourse with a donkey … the classics, by the way, have a story like a shaft ** beat such a lover of allegories.

Kabbalist: musli (19:26), Wheelchair, why are you running into me? It’s interesting for me to check my astro forecast for Biden. Pure sports interest.

Kabbalist: Schar (19:28), How do you know? Puffy muzzle.

Jannbel: Yes, stas reshetnikov what is this ye * “ishe …

AChif: Lion Fat (18:59), thank you Eugene! I’ll live until Monday, I’ll see what the day is, they’ll close the week and decide in the footsteps of CIP.
Happy weekend and profit to everyone.

Schar: Kabbalist (19:33),

You will die ahead of time. This is my astro forecast …

non-farm: is Evgeniy gaining weight? :))

Jannbel: Pure, distilled fascism is striding briskly across Russia … comments by Ksyusha Borodina about the object of Reshetnikov’s stream …

non-farm: Jannbel (19:45), but without Ksyusha Borodina it was not clear?

Jannbel: non-farm (19:46), you know, I somehow understood fascism through “memory” but in no way through the popular inhabitants.

Jannbel: non-farm (19:46), fascists are already in the masses …

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