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The dollar fell on the news from the US

Avatars: Powell Nobel Prize!

Avatars: The dollar is falling, the markets are rising, inflation is under control… and oil is at 60 caps, and the economy hasn’t slowed down – that’s how we head into the new year thanks to the Fed!

finem: victory 🙂 inflation is growing more slowly. you can buy america big and small businesses with chumads

read: Uf^ (16:25), seed.uterus .. but as for the type of overpopulation of the planet, something is not right…
recently reviewed the video https://youtu.be/CR39MxXPE7M
creation of a service person. it aligns with this

finem: the volumes are badly designed in sipi. should send to suffering 🙂

Sea: Avatar (16:51), well, on one level, the CPI statistic is still a topic. inflation is defeated, the rate is sharply ruined ninada, again, so to speak, stability, people are happy about Christmas))

Avatars: Will the market now perceive any rate hike by the Fed as the last or second to last. Will the dollar fall, will the economy go into stagflation? completely neutralized the entire effect of rate hikes as if it were now 0

See: Mare (17:30), do you happen to confuse the reason for the decision and the consequence?) Or are all the above jokes jokes? Or not all, but jokes?) Or jokes in part?)

See: Avatar (17:39), if we consider the eurodollar pair, then the question arises, what is it like in the eurozone?

See: Avatar (17:39), the eurodollar will go to 0.95, then to 0.9 and below, nothing new

link: ED sales are just around the corner.

CB_: hikot (17:55), goodbye, rocky mountains (c) 🙂

See: Almost Heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, it grows like a breeze

CB_: Rocky Mountains Only! alberta, montana, colorado forever!

See: CB_ (18:24), do you miss Albert?)

See: A bear is walking through the forest. I saw a crow on a branch. Shoulder paws bent:
The crow looked, spread its wings to the side:
– Montana!
Let’s move forward together. We saw a cow.
Bear: Rimbaud!
Vorona:- Montana!
Cow – zero emotions.
Second time:
Rambo! Montana!
The cow gets up, touches the udder with its hoof:
– Well, what are you up to? Sabrina!

See: The state of Colorado recalls its beetles from Russia

link: Grandpa is trying to joke…
… under tablets)

serge: Evra is sold))) half a tare or two figs at a time …

See: Hohlobot attempt not counted

serge: And tomorrow at the pace of the execution of everything will be, it seems

finem: the sipu was normally sent to Pinocchio 🙂 if we close it around here, it will be interesting

link: Uf^ (16:25), Sounds like a scam.
In which future potential so-called “parents” will raise the slaves needed by the system.
A good scheme for reducing the population – women will definitely like it)
At least due to the fact that she will not suffer for 9 months and there will be no pain in childbirth –
you just have to pay with your husband’s card, and by pressing the button on the capsule,
receive a child (a good that they must love and raise according to the protocol of the system).

See: we, Drusia, don’t seem to see the Croatian blogger’s boobs

See: www.profinance.ru/news/…
So, inflation be damned, the main thing is not to drop the bottom on the floor?)
We stock up on popcorn, it will be very interesting

CB_: Something here is somehow wet (c) 🙂

CB_: also wet))

See: Yes, with your arrival, what t .. smelled .. the intestines, it seems, is thick?)

See: Cheers, Argentina)

link: Grandfather generally flew off the coils))

link: Sisge – inflation – fund – popcorn – gut – Argentina)
Kind of a schizophrenic grandfather watching the night puzzle)

Sea: Cfnc (17:42), trailing stem)

See: Khokhlobot Kikot strictly look into the colon of a nobleman and sit silently at the same time) and look at night both in the morning and in the afternoon)

See: Mare (00:31), but nothing funny, everything will be like this, with a high degree of probability …
Is Merkel on the Minsk agreements a joke or what? Is Bernanke’s Nobel Prize for Economics a joke or is it true?
Is the supply of weapons to achieve peace as soon as possible also a joke ??)
Orwell 1984-quotes
“War is peace, freedom is bondage, ignorance is strength.
Power is not a means; she is the target.
A dictatorship is not established to protect the revolution; revolution is made to establish a dictatorship.

Sea: Cfnc (00:39), confession of an angel, this is certainly something, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…
really surprised.

See: The sea (01:07), and the Bernanke Prize? This is the person who created the current crisis and receives the highest award in economics for eliminating it! Isn’t this cynicism, isn’t this schizophrenia?

See: Sea (01:07), According to RT, former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl commented on the admission made by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the role of the Minsk accords as a delay for Ukraine’s military buildup.

“If ex-Chancellor Merkel has now made it clear that all this was to give Ukraine time, then this is the collapse of diplomacy as such,” Kneissl expressed his opinion.

The situation is complicated by the fact, in his view, that most of the officials who were behind the Minsk accords in 2014 have already left politics, with the exception of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“There is no continuity… He also failed to understand what the Minsk agreements should be. And this is a failure,” added the ex-minister

See: Mare (01:07), it’s not even about your or my feelings, the point is that in a practical sense… this is the end, the limit.
How do you imagine even the negotiations that Macron recently spoke about?
Is it just that in a practical sense you understand that the laws of coexistence of states that have been created for centuries, ensuring security, public spending, army size, reserves, all this is now impossible in the old coordinate system, and it takes centuries to develop new REAL laws …

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