that appears on the screen.hope: importantinformation. New Yorkerstenants began to applyto the assistance program ofhe wants to not pay the rentfor the pandemic. severalorganizations help fillthe application of the program thathas large funds forhelp up to 200,000 households.what qualify and howApply?let’s talk how is ithelping the organizationyou lean to apply for thisbackground.>> the way to help isbasically attending totenant who wants to come.we are going to fill out theapplication..>> the passport the registration numberconsular, we need taxes.that brings them from 2020,we need data fromapartment and we need apaper where you show us whatIt is owed to the landlord. withthat we can apply.this fund covers up to one yearrent, starting in the monththat started the pandemic.if you need it. also himcovers since March last yearmonths or more. apart from everything it helpsto pay the utilities, the light,water and gas.everyone qualifies, yesyou reserved a space, noIt matters that it is only aroom, an apartment, aspace. if he renewed it, qualifyfor this help.hope: if the landlord does notmarket?>> they can apply home andtenants to this help. if helandlord decides not to accept it, yesthe tenant benefits, thismoney goes to the landlord, to thetenant.if someone wants to follow thecourse for eviction or forhelp the tenant cut, thiswill be taken as a defense incourt to help the tenantagainst a case ofeviction.if the landlord accepts the help,is going to have to give you acontract to the tenant of alless a year without anyincrease in rent.respect: those interested inwhere to call orto target, specifically?per pandemic moment. but,the Italians.we are located in queens,video cit new york city and uslocated at 101 84768449.if it is too far to come, now