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The Doctor’s Warning: Fruits and Vegetables to Limit for Health and Beauty

The doctor explained which fruits and vegetables should be eaten in very limited quantities and not every day.

There is some benefit, but not much.

Fruits and vegetables are products that are considered to be extremely beneficial for health and beauty. It is believed that the vitamins and nutrients contained in the juicy pulp can solve almost all health problems, restore a radiant appearance to the skin and hair, and lift your mood to the skies.

In reality, everything is not so rosy.

Therapist Oleg Perkushin named five gifts of nature, which everyone is accustomed to consider extremely useful, but in fact they can significantly harm health and figure.

These are the insidious “enemies of beauty”:

  • Bananas. They contain a lot of useful substances, but to get the daily dose, you will have to eat at least 5-6 fruits. This amount will cause problems with digestion, excess weight and metabolism. But even 2 bananas a day is a lot. Since it contains a lot of glucose, which can provoke a jump in blood glucose levels with all the ensuing consequences.

  • Dried fruits. When dried, many fruits become more nutritious. So in most cases, a handful of dried dried apricots, prunes or raisins can cause irreparable harm to the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, figure and increase the risk of developing diabetes. For reference: 100 grams of fresh apricots contain only 47 kcal, and the same volume of dried dried apricots contains 240 kcal.

  • Fresh juices. Dreaming of losing weight, many people begin to actively drink such juices to speed up their metabolism. However, at the same time, the body receives a huge amount of “extra” calories. Each glass of fruit juice contains on average 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.

  • Grape. When buying kilograms of sweet berries for a snack, remember that 100 grams of grapes contain up to 16–18 g of sugar. This is about four teaspoons.

  • Zucchini. This product is considered to be low-calorie. It is always recommended for dietary nutrition. However, in fact, zucchini can also provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Since satiety does not come for a long time on such a diet, a person usually eats more than usual, stretching the stomach.

2024-01-03 05:10:21

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