Home » today » Health » The doctor from the Military Hospital accused of taking bribes had a “spade manual” and a list of rates

The doctor from the Military Hospital accused of taking bribes had a “spade manual” and a list of rates

A file called “Manual de spaga” and one with tariffs were found in the computer of the ENT doctor Adrian Gabriel Ilie from the Military Hospital in Bucharest, who is accused by DNA of taking bribes.

During the computer search, the prosecutors discovered a file, in pdf format, called “Spaga Manual”, in which are presented cases documented by journalists regarding the manner, tariffs and bribery circuit in the Romanian public health system.

The prosecutors also identified a file with the name “ENT Surgery Tariffs Dr Adrian Ilie.xlsx” which details the type of surgery, the type of anesthesia and the rate for each surgery.

“Comparing the tariffs practiced by the Central Military Emergency University Hospital ‘Dr. Carol Davila’ with the tariffs mentioned in the file ‘ENRL Surgery Tariffs Dr Adrian Ilie.xlsx’ it is found that the latter are much higher. (…)

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